Chairperson’s Report Parent Council AGM 2016

A lot of changes have occurred at Johnstone High School over the academic session 2015-2016. Find out how the school has done it, with invaluable support and assistance of the Parent’s Council, by reading the Chairperson’s report on year below.  And, if anyone wonders ‘what the Parent Council has ever done for us’,  the report will say ‘a lot’.  Thanks guys.

Chairperson’s report 2016 AGMthanks

Parent Council Minutes 25th April

Despite being in the last few months of the academic year, it’s still as busy as ever at Johnstone High School.  Find about all the comings and goings on by looking at the attached minutes. We’ve had lots of successful visits and have been buying into new mobile technology to enhance teaching.  Steps to further improve school behaviour were discussed, together with changes in the new timetable. Read on to discover more …

Parent Council April Minutes

The next Parents Council Meeting takes place on Monday 23rd May at 7pm in the school library.   all are welcome.

Headteacher’s Report 25th April 2016

Mrs Hollywood presented the following report at the Parent Council meeting on the 25th.

It covers a broad selection of topics affecting the school, from staffing through to preparation for the forthcoming exams via the extensive steps taken to get the pupils view’s at all levels on what the school’s values and aims should be as part of the school’s review. Mrs Hollywood is also delighted to announce that the Dance studio has been completed and provides an update on other improvements to the school, chiefly to the school entrance. Find out more by opening the document by clicking on the link.

Headteacher’s Report April 16

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2016

Just after Christmas and it’s all happening.  Click on the link below to discover what the Parent Council have been thinking about.  New members have joined the council and Johnstone  has some new staff. Despite illness affecting the release of Headteacher’s report, Ms Sturgeon managed to progress with trial option selections for the forthcoming change in timetable and the preparations for the the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the school in its current building. Details of the Government’s bench-marking tool were discussed and Mr Miller explained how this was to be used in helping the school raise its attainment to even higher levels. All this and more in the following link.  Go on, click it!  You know you want to …

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2016

Parent Council Minutes 7th December 2015

Discover our recent hatches and dispatches! The minutes are the last of council meetings taken under Mr Dewar as he returns to his valuable role at the council head quarter. Other changes of staff were announced and suggestions made that interested parents could attend meetings as observers before joining the council as active members.

Mr Dewar presented his head teacher report together with a presentation on the progress of new resources becoming available within the school.  As part of the continuous school improvement programme, Mrs Hollywood together, with Mr Johnstone from Technical Department presented their ideas for improvement in the School Entrance. Departments will also be presenting their improvement plans.

Methods for celebrating pupils achievements were highlighted.

Discover more about all these topics and more by downloading the minutes.

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 7 december 2015

The next Parent Council Mee1ng is on Monday 25th January 2016.

Parent Council Minutes 26th October 2015

Find out who, on a cold October evening, were introduced as new members to the Parent Council and what had happened since the previous meeting in September.

It was noted that Mrs Barry continues to represent the School in Renfrewshire Council Quality Awards and that a film crew would be visiting the school to find out more about her inspiring work. On more mundane matters, but no less important, the meeting discussed the purchase of new furniture for the Assembly hall to add to the flexibility of the space and allow the hall to be used as sheltered milling area for the pupils.

Alastair Ewen, the Youth Service Manager from Renfrewshire Council explained the importance attached by the council to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. He explained how the School could access some additional funding for the scheme and members of the Parent Council discussed how pupils could be further encouraged to participate at all levels. It was noted the the school is particularly successful at recruiting pupils to the Bronze level.

Issues surrounding transport to and from the school were discussed. Unfortunately no member of transport companies were available to attend the meeting, but members of the SMT have agreed to tackle the company over the early departure of buses from Kilbarchan.

The Head Teacher, Mr Dewar presented the final version of  his report to the Parent Council and a program of ‘Road Show’ Primary School visits were discussed, highlighting the balance between vocational skills and academic achievement.  it was suggested that parents could play a valuable role in these events.  Unfortunately, progress with the completion of the dance studio has been slow but it should be open soon and will prove a valuable resource once finished.

Mr Gilbert introduced ‘Insight’, a new data analysis tool for Secondary school and explained how it is used by departments to identify successes and areas for improvement in raising attainment to ever higher levels. He also explain how parents could access some of this information via the ‘parent zone’.

Finally Mrs Hollywood introduced a report on the ‘Senior Phase Curriculum’ that outlined some possible changes.  It was emphasised that before any changes took place a full consultation would need to take place and the earliest any change could be introduced would be Aug 2017.

Further details on these and other points can be read in the attached document.

Parent Council minutes Mon-26th-Oct15

Parent Council Minutes 14th September 2015

Discover what happened in the last Parent Council meeting where a range of topics were discussed.

Mr Munro (DHT – Senior Phase) discussed the recent exam results and the head teacher, Mr Dewar, presented his head teacher report together with the school improvement plan, outlining areas of development. The constitution of the Parent Council was mentioned and it was emphasised that any parent or guardian of a pupil  attending the school, could go along to Parent Council meetings , not just members of the Parent Council. Possible steps highlighting the very positive aspects of the school were discussed as well as progress in the developing school website.

Read in detail about all these topics and more by clicking on the link below.

Parent Council minutes Mon 14th Sept 15

When are the meetings then?

Sorry it’s a bit late, but here are the dates of the meetings planned so far.  And one is happening tonight.  The dates will appear in the school calendar above, so you don’t have to remember them all.

The meetings are held in school library starting at 7 pm.  All parents are welcome and in contrast to the Privy Council, we’ll provide a chair.

Monday 26th October 2015
Monday 7th December 2015
Monday 25th January 2016
Monday 29th February 2016
Monday 25 April 2016
Monday 23rd May 2016
Monday 20th June 2016

What’s it all about then?

The PTA has a valuable role is helping manage and shape the future of Johnstone High School. Staff at the school have long realised that they don’t work in isolation and can’t do it all. They need to complete the circle and involve the opinions, ideas and thoughts of the children, parents and guardians of those that attend the school.

The pupils have their own council and leadership teams.  These have made many constructive contributions. The role that they’ve played in the past can be accessed at  More will be added as the new council’s get underway.

The PTA is the final link in the chain and this blog exists to inform everyone what Johnstone High School gets up to.  Here you will find dates of PTA meetings, minutes and topics that parents or guardians wish to be discussed.  Currently the membership of the PTA is settled, but its constantly changing and an announcement will made shortly describing what to do if you are interested in making a contribution to the work of the council.


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