Category Archives: Parent Council Minutes

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting and AGM

Click to read or down load  later at your pleasure the minutes from the last Parent Council meeting in May. Although it seems to have been a long time ago, it’s not that long as we’ve had the school summer hols in between. And the start of each new session is always a bit chaotic as the new intake take time to bed in. The next meeting is on Monday 7th 2016 in the school staff room.  All are welcome.

Parent Council Minutes May

Parent Council Minutes 25th April

Despite being in the last few months of the academic year, it’s still as busy as ever at Johnstone High School.  Find about all the comings and goings on by looking at the attached minutes. We’ve had lots of successful visits and have been buying into new mobile technology to enhance teaching.  Steps to further improve school behaviour were discussed, together with changes in the new timetable. Read on to discover more …

Parent Council April Minutes

The next Parents Council Meeting takes place on Monday 23rd May at 7pm in the school library.   all are welcome.

Headteacher’s Report 25th April 2016

Mrs Hollywood presented the following report at the Parent Council meeting on the 25th.

It covers a broad selection of topics affecting the school, from staffing through to preparation for the forthcoming exams via the extensive steps taken to get the pupils view’s at all levels on what the school’s values and aims should be as part of the school’s review. Mrs Hollywood is also delighted to announce that the Dance studio has been completed and provides an update on other improvements to the school, chiefly to the school entrance. Find out more by opening the document by clicking on the link.

Headteacher’s Report April 16

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2016

Just after Christmas and it’s all happening.  Click on the link below to discover what the Parent Council have been thinking about.  New members have joined the council and Johnstone  has some new staff. Despite illness affecting the release of Headteacher’s report, Ms Sturgeon managed to progress with trial option selections for the forthcoming change in timetable and the preparations for the the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the school in its current building. Details of the Government’s bench-marking tool were discussed and Mr Miller explained how this was to be used in helping the school raise its attainment to even higher levels. All this and more in the following link.  Go on, click it!  You know you want to …

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2016