Parent Council Meeting 28th November

A Headteacher reports!   Major staffing changes have been taking place. We’ve said sad farewells to long standing hard working staff that have contributed so much to make Johnstone High School what it is today. We’re also welcoming or will welcome new dynamic members who will help carry the school into the future. There’s also been an inspection taking place about which we hope to tell more in the near future. There have been many pupil events and and find out more about the on-going school improvement and building plan.


Parent Council Head teacher’s report

Parent Council Meeting November Agenda

agendaOoops! I know it’s December and we’ve been a little remiss in posting up the Agenda for the Parent Council Meeting on the 16th November, but as you’ll come to appreciate we’ve been a little preoccupied with an inspection. Still, on the basis that it’s better late than never, click on the link and find out what was discussed.  And keep alert, we hope to get the agenda up before the meeting next time, to which all are welcome.

Parent Council Agenda 16th November