Parent Council Minutes 7th December 2015

Discover our recent hatches and dispatches! The minutes are the last of council meetings taken under Mr Dewar as he returns to his valuable role at the council head quarter. Other changes of staff were announced and suggestions made that interested parents could attend meetings as observers before joining the council as active members.

Mr Dewar presented his head teacher report together with a presentation on the progress of new resources becoming available within the school.  As part of the continuous school improvement programme, Mrs Hollywood together, with Mr Johnstone from Technical Department presented their ideas for improvement in the School Entrance. Departments will also be presenting their improvement plans.

Methods for celebrating pupils achievements were highlighted.

Discover more about all these topics and more by downloading the minutes.

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 7 december 2015

The next Parent Council Mee1ng is on Monday 25th January 2016.