Parent Council Minutes 14th September 2015

Discover what happened in the last Parent Council meeting where a range of topics were discussed.

Mr Munro (DHT – Senior Phase) discussed the recent exam results and the head teacher, Mr Dewar, presented his head teacher report together with the school improvement plan, outlining areas of development. The constitution of the Parent Council was mentioned and it was emphasised that any parent or guardian of a pupil  attending the school, could go along to Parent Council meetings , not just members of the Parent Council. Possible steps highlighting the very positive aspects of the school were discussed as well as progress in the developing school website.

Read in detail about all these topics and more by clicking on the link below.

Parent Council minutes Mon 14th Sept 15

One thought on “Parent Council Minutes 14th September 2015”

  1. Parking….should be included there are some stupid driving errors being made by parents as they think they own the road/streets where they choose to park. Reversing without checking to see what’s behind them. I’ve had numerous near misses!

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