Glendee Early Learning and Childcare Centre

Welcome to Glendee Early Learning Childcare Centre

Within Glendee Early Learning and Childcare Centre we value the opportunities we provide for the children and the relationships we build with the children and their families.

Our children engage in play and experiences and opportunities that allow them to be independent and creative in their learning as they are given opportunity to develop, learn and thrive. The children’s learning is based on their interests as they lead their own play exploring all areas and aspects of the nursery. The children are always provided with challenge and the skills and knowledge that they can transfer in-to their lives and relay their skills to their families and friends. The children learn through play. Playing is a natural and enjoyable way for children to keep active, stay well and be happy. Freely chosen play helps children and young people’s healthy development. Just as much as structured learning, play contributes to cognitive, social, physical, and emotional well-being and growth of children.




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