Starter Activity
- Please see your Seesaw page and glow email. I have added a Maths a day challenge for the month of March. Complete the days 1-10. Pyramids and Cubes group should do CfE 2nd Level whilst Spheres should do CfE First Level Qs. A maximum of 10 minutes is allowed. Click here for timer.

2. When you are finished try to complete the countdown challenge. Again give yourself 10 minutes to see how many different ways you can complete it. The Spheres maths group may use a calculator to help.
Maths Lesson – Perimeter
L.I – Explore the perimeter of 2D shapes.
Teaching Points
- Perimeter is the length of the boundary around any 2D shape.
Click here to watch a video explaining perimeter.
2. Jotter Work – Making Links
In your jotters record what type of people/jobs might use perimeter? Think about when people need to know about perimeter. What kind of people are they and why do they need to know? Record three examples. Take a photograph of your work and send to me via Seesaw or Glow.
3. Choose 1 of the following activities:
a) All the possibilities
The perimeter of a rectangle is 30cm. Can you work out all the different possibilities for the sides.
Try working systematically
*Remember you can halve the perimeter to give you the length plus the width, so you can work out the combinations of two numbers which add to that total.
CHALLENGE – Work out the AREA of each rectangle you have created
b) Area and perimeter at home
Can you measure the perimeter of 3 items/surfaces at home. These could include the kitchen work top, the front cover of a book, the living room, windows etc.
Use a measuring tape if you have one. If not use your knowledge of reference measures for length (e.g. longer side of A4 paper is about 30 cm).
CHALLENGE – When you have calculated the perimeter, record these and use this to calculate the area.
4. Plenary – Add traffic lights colours to the success criteria on seesaw/glow.
Log onto Sumdog. I have set a challenge based on previous work learned on Percentages, Decimals and Fractions. The challenge is to get 50 correct answers in the least number of questions. I will send you your results when your are finished. GOOD LUCK!