Category Archives: Literacy

Literacy (Tuesday 2nd June)

Holes Comprehension

Yesterday you were asked to read chapters 13 & 14 of Holes and complete a summary for each chapter. I am now asking you to read chapters 15 and 16. I will repost the document here so that you can access it easily rather then trying to find yesterday’s blog.

Holes – Chapter 13-16

Once you have read today’s chapters, please complete the comprehensions questions based on chapters 13-15.

– Why did Stanley lose count of the number of holes he had dug?

– Why doesn’t Stanley want to give it to X-Ray?

– Why is Stanley allowed to move up in the line?

– Why do you think X-Ray snaps at Stanley?

– Why does the warden get everyone to start digging around X-Ray’s hole? Why might this be fruitless?

Remember to answer in a sentence and do not start a sentence with the word ‘because’

Miss Todd 🙂



Literacy (Monday 1st June)

Good Morning.

You have been working your way through the novel ‘Holes’ which is such a great book! I remember helping Miss Harvey with her class assembly that was based on this novel and I enjoyed being a part of it.

I have attached Chapters 13-16 for you to complete this week however I would only like you to read chapters 13 and 14 today. Once you have completed that, I would like you to write a summary of what has happened in each chapter. You can read chapter 13 and then write your summary before reading chapter 14 and then writing that summary.

Holes – Chapter 13-16

Remember a summary is a short paragraph that sums up the mains parts of that chapter. You should not be retelling the whole chapter.

Remember to show your work on seesaw for me to see 🙂

Have fun!

Miss Todd 🙂

Tuesday 26th May (Literacy)

1. Read the following Daily News article & answer the comprehension questions.

1a Spinosaurus Skeleton Discovered Daily News Story – Rowling + Dahl

1b Spinosaurus Skeleton Discovered Daily News Story – Walliams

2. Solve

A Spinosaurus could grow up to 15 metres in length. What is that in centimetres? What is it in millimetres?

Challenge: A large T. rex was only 80% the length of a Spinosaurus. What is the size of the T. rex in centimetres?

3. Discover

Fact: The Spinosaurus is the only known swimming dinosaur.

Question: What other creatures lived in the sea at this time? Do any still exist?


HOLES – Chapters 10, 11, 12



Monday 18th May (Literacy)


Lesson Starter –

In your jotters, write a descriptive paragraph about one of the pictures below. Use the ideas below to help you be descriptive. When you send the work to me, I will try and guess which lizard picture you are describing.

Task 2 – Read Holes Ch 7-8. When reading chapter 8 highlight on the text, evidence about the yellow spotted lizard. Collate your evidence about yellow spotted lizards on the page below.




Friday 27th March – Literacy


Reading – The Wolf Wilder Chapter 8

Listen to and read the following chapter and answer the questions below.

The Wolf Wilder Chapter 8

Wolf Wilder Novel Chapter 8 – Comprehension Questions (answer on through Seesaw or in Jotter)

  1. Which type of cold smells sharp and knowing?
  2. What does blind cold smell of?
  3. What might Feo be thinking and feeling when the cold weather arrives?
  4. What might the stranger dressed in squirrel fur be thinking and feeling when he sees Feo and Ilya?
  5. What are your first impressions of Alexei?
  6. Why do you think Sasha flinches when Feo holds her baby?

– Word Wizard Task

  • Write down 5-10 unfamiliar words from the chapter (use text above)
  • Predict and write what you think they mean
  • Use a dictionary and write down their actual meaning. (online dictionary)

You can watch three interviews with Katherine Rundell (author of book), talking about ‘The Wolf Wilder’ here:

Wednesday 25th March (Literacy)


For literacy this morning we are going to work on some spelling words called homophones. These are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

  1. there
  2. they’re
  3. their
  4. where
  5. wear
  6. were
  7. pair
  8. pear
  9. here
  10. hear


  1. Write each word 3 times. (Look, Cover, Write, Check)

  2. Write a sentence for each word.

  3. From the grid below select two Spelling activities from the Spelling Menu


4. Sumdog – Spelling Challenge focusing on homophones.

  • Click on the above link to log into Sumdog.
  • Change your Subject from ‘maths’ to ‘spelling’
  • There you will find a 50 correct answers ‘Homophones Challenge’


Reading – The Wolf Wilder Chapter 7


  • Wolf Wilder Novel Ch7 – Take notes on Chapter 7 in your jotter or on Seesaw and send them to me


Tuesday 24th March (Literacy)

The Wolf Wilder – Chapter 6

I have attached an audio version of me reading chapter 6 on Seesaw as well.

TASK 1 – Note Taking

Whilst following the story make notes about what is happening.

Task 2 – Comprehension Questions

Rowling and Dahl groups to attempt both Challenge Questions. (Answer in Jotter)

Challenge Questions 1

  1. How do the wolves try to comfort Feo at the beginning of the chapter?
  2. Why is Rakov embarrassed?
  3. Where have the soldiers taken Marina?

Challenge Questions 2

  1. What is a labour camp? Why does Feo get confused when she hears her mother will be sent to a camp?
  2. How is Feo really feeling when she hears that the house has been burned down?
  3. Why do you think Feo is reluctant to ask Ilya for help?
  4. Who are the men watching at the end of the chapter? How do you know?
  5. How can being embarrassed be more dangerous than being angry? What does this mean?
  6. What does Ilya mean when he says Rakov ‘bleeds snow’?

Task 3 – Summarise

Rowling/Dahl – Write a summary of how to make a compass.

Walliams – Order these events from this chapter:

  • The wolves gather round Feo and comfort her.
  • Feo wakes up and remembers the awful events of the nights before.
  • As they ride away on the back of the wolves, there are three soldiers watching them.



  • How might the story have changed if Grey would not allow Ilya to ride her? EXPLAIN IN JOTTERS
  • Choose a book at home to read or on an e-book from an online source. See Useful Websites

Remember to record all your reading inside your Reading Log


Monday 23rd March (LITERACY)


We are going to do some imaginative writing. We will use this picture as our writing stimulus. Use your jotter for all tasks and remember to use your imagination.

1) Question time! (Remember to answer in sentences and be imaginative)

  1. How has the helicopter crashed?
  2. What do you think he should try to do next?
  3. Who might be able to help in this situation?
  4. What do you think you would do if you were in a similar situation?
  5. Why do you think he is afraid?
  6. What might he be afraid of?

2) Sentence challenge!

Using an adverb at the beginning of a sentence makes your writing more interesting.

Add an adverb at the beginning of these sentences:

Copy and Complete

_________, he wondered where he was.

________, the helicopter was whirring.

Now write your own sentence and remember to use an adverb at the beginning.


3) Story starter!

Lawrence was injured, afraid, lost and completely alone. He had been thrown viciously from the aircraft after the flock of birds had attacked the propellers. As he laid there, listening to his racing heart, he wondered what would happen to him. How would he make it out alive?


  • A beginning, middle and ending
  • Include examples of VCOP
  • Make sentences interesting