Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Music (Monday 1st June)

Music Time!!

Now I know how much this class love music and love a singsong. You all have your favourite songs that I am sure I have heard you sing over the last few years.

So now it’s time for you to write your own!

I would love for you to take your favourite song and change the lyrics to make the song about your time at Glencoats. You do not have to come up with the whole song, A verse or 2 with a chorus is plenty. Think about all the experiences you’ve had over the last 7 years and how it has made you feel.

You can show your work by a photograph of the lyrics or if you’re feeling brave, you could sing them on video!

Cannot wait to see these!

Miss Todd 🙂

Art Task (Friday 29th May)

The last time I had spoke to some of you on your P7 Teams Meet, many of you had requested some more art work!

Since you asked, I have listened!

Today since it is such a beautiful day, I would love for you to sit outside and create a line drawing of the view from your house! If you don’t like the sunshine, you can draw the view from your window. Cannot wait to see your drawings!

See the source image


Tuesday 21st April (Art)


Artistic challenge – Doors are not only exciting for what may lie behind them, they can be designed to invite you into their world. A few years ago, a derelict area of Funchal in Madeira was transformed by local artists who decided to bring the dead doors to life. The beauty of the art opened new doors, and soon homes, shops and restaurants flourished there. Here are a few of those doors.

CHALLENGE – Have a go at drawing, painting or creating your own door. What design would you choose? What would it represent?


Friday 27th March (Expressive Arts)

Expressive Arts

This afternoon we are going to have a free choice ‘Arty-Party’ Each activity will be based around Expressive arts. Read and choose to do one of the following activities:


Choreograph your own dance to your favourite song and teach it to someone in the house.


Write a script for a short scene and present it to members of the house. Get others in the house involved!


Karaoke. Host a Karaoke event in your home. Encourage everyone to take their turn.



Listen to a piece of music. What does the music make you picture in your head? Can you draw what you hear?