Author Archives: gw11tarburnrachael@glow

Thursday 30th April ( Last Day Of The month)

Another fun filled day ahead Primary 7. Your tasks can be found in Seesaw. 🙂

Literacy- Similes and Metaphors

PE- Yoga and Chill

Music- The History Of Rap

**Transition Forms- These MUST be completed if you haven’t done so already**

Remember, you can contact me at any point if you are having trouble with todays tasks or any that have gone before.

Mrs Tarburn


Friday 24th April

Thank you for posting your work up today 🙂 Im really proud of all your efforts 🙂

The weather is meant to take a turn for the worse on Sunday, so get out and enjoy the sunshine while you can. *Please remember to adhere to the Lockdown rules though.*

I said I would share some special news with you all this afternoon… so here it is…

Im half way through my pregnancy now and found out today that baby Tarburn is going to be a…. BOY!!

We are delighted and will have a look through the boy names some of you gave me before Lockdown. 🙂

Have a great weekend 🙂 xx

Friday 24th April

Good Morning boys and girls- Its Frrrriiiiidddddaaaayyy!! 🙂

Todays activities have been posted on Seesaw for you to complete:

Maths- Converting Litres To Millilitres.

Literacy- Homophones Part 2 ( There, Their, They’re)

Art/Research- Banksy Bank Note

*If you have any spare time today, could you please complete the important transition information which Mr Craig set you on Wednesday and/ or answer Mrs Studdens  ‘Ready, Respect, Safe’ questions.

Thank you.

Mrs Tarburn

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Thank you to everyone who took part in todays activities. I absolutely LOVE seeing all your posts including your videos…. keep these coming 🙂

Last day tomorrow- Last push to get your learning done before the weekend.

I will post your tasks late on tonight/ tomorrow morning.

*I will also have some special news to share with you all tomorrow afternoon as well*

Mrs Tarburn

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good Morning Primary 7!

I hope you are all well and you enjoyed Spring break with your families in the sunshine. I was thinking about you all- I was disappointing that we were not able to visit Ibrox football stadium for a tour as planned. 🙁

I have uploaded your 3 tasks for today in Seesaw as I have been made aware that Glow has been experiencing some glitches again due to the volume of people using it.

LITERACY- Reading through a power point and completing sentences in your jotters using the     words; Wear, We’re, Where and Wear.

MATHS- Consolidating our work on Volume and Capacity with some fun measuring tasks.

H.W.B-  5 different activities you can do from your bedroom, or ideally your garden!

**If you have some spare time today, PLEASE remember to complete the transition work Mr Craig set yesterday as it is vitally important he receives this on, but preferably before, this coming Monday. Thank you 🙂 **

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Tarburn

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Happy April Fools Day Primary 7.

Goodness only knows what tricks you would have played on me today if we were in school! (Is it weird that im sort of disappointed we aren’t in school to find out?!) ….Missing you all!

Not long until Spring Break now- Last big push to complete your tasks please 🙂

I have posted your Numeracy, Literacy, Science and PE tasks to Seesaw- Please log on and give them a go- I will be around alday to help anyone who is having difficulties, or anyone who just wants a wee chat!

Stay safe.

Mrs Tarburn