Author Archives: Mr Craig

Friday 27th March (Expressive Arts)

Expressive Arts

This afternoon we are going to have a free choice ‘Arty-Party’ Each activity will be based around Expressive arts. Read and choose to do one of the following activities:


Choreograph your own dance to your favourite song and teach it to someone in the house.


Write a script for a short scene and present it to members of the house. Get others in the house involved!


Karaoke. Host a Karaoke event in your home. Encourage everyone to take their turn.



Listen to a piece of music. What does the music make you picture in your head? Can you draw what you hear?



Friday 27th March (Maths)

Maths Starter

  • Maths a day Q21-31

Main Activity – L.I –

  • Find the area of a rectangle.
  • Find the area of a right angled triangle
  1. Read over the following notes to help you

Calculate the area of rectangle.

Calculate the area of a right angled triangle.

2. Chilli Challenge –

I’ve set each page up based on difficulty. You MUST choose to do one although you can do more  if you wish. Each will be sent on Seesaw. Use your jotter to record your work.

 Chilli Challenge (Mild)

 Chilli Challenge (Medium)

 Chilli Challenge (Hot)


3. Create an informative poster about Area and Perimeter.

Things to include:

  • How to calculate perimeter
  • How to calculate area of rectangles
  • How to calculate the area of triangles
  • Units of measure
  • Diagrams/Pictures/Examples
  • Links to the world of where Area and Perimeter is used.

You may use paper or create your poster on the computer. Please send this to me.



Log on to Sumdog and you will automatically be directed to an assessment on Area and Perimeter. You have 20 questions to answer. GOOD LUCK!!!

Friday 27th March – Literacy


Reading – The Wolf Wilder Chapter 8

Listen to and read the following chapter and answer the questions below.

The Wolf Wilder Chapter 8

Wolf Wilder Novel Chapter 8 – Comprehension Questions (answer on through Seesaw or in Jotter)

  1. Which type of cold smells sharp and knowing?
  2. What does blind cold smell of?
  3. What might Feo be thinking and feeling when the cold weather arrives?
  4. What might the stranger dressed in squirrel fur be thinking and feeling when he sees Feo and Ilya?
  5. What are your first impressions of Alexei?
  6. Why do you think Sasha flinches when Feo holds her baby?

– Word Wizard Task

  • Write down 5-10 unfamiliar words from the chapter (use text above)
  • Predict and write what you think they mean
  • Use a dictionary and write down their actual meaning. (online dictionary)

You can watch three interviews with Katherine Rundell (author of book), talking about ‘The Wolf Wilder’ here:

Wednesday 25th March (Lesson 3 – Personal Research / Pupil Choice)

This afternoon you should be working on your ‘Life Below Water’ research project. Remember this is due on Friday. Here is the original lesson from Monday. Remember to cover as many of the bullet points as possible in your presentation.

Monday 23rd March (Global Goals Topic)


In order to break up your afternoon I want you to do 1 or 2 of the following tasks:

  • Leave nice note somewhere for someone else to find it
  • FaceTime a relative or someone you miss. Tell them everything you miss about them

  • Do something helpful for someone in your household




  • Hide sweets around the house and start a treasure hunt with your family


  • Have a go at some of our Lego Challenges

Wednesday 25th March (Maths)


Maths Starter

Miss Todd’s latest Maths Challenge has been updated on Seesaw.

Also, Complete Q11-20 on your Maths a Day Challenge sheet on See Saw 

  • Pyramids + Cubes to attempt 2nd level
  • Spheres to attempt 1st level


Main Lesson

L.I – Calculate the area of different shapes.

  1. Watch the following video on finding the area of shapes


2. Seesaw Calculating Area Perimeter Work

  • Complete the task set on Seesaw titled ‘Missing Facts’

3. Seesaw Area of Triangle work (Remember for a triangle A = 1/2 (B X H)

  • Complete Seesaw task titled ‘Area of Triangles’.


Sumdog Challenge


Home Learning Booklet – Maths Activity 2 p30-31

  • Measure the length and breadth of a large rectangular space (room, back garden, door etc) and calculate the area of it.


Wednesday 25th March (Literacy)


For literacy this morning we are going to work on some spelling words called homophones. These are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

  1. there
  2. they’re
  3. their
  4. where
  5. wear
  6. were
  7. pair
  8. pear
  9. here
  10. hear


  1. Write each word 3 times. (Look, Cover, Write, Check)

  2. Write a sentence for each word.

  3. From the grid below select two Spelling activities from the Spelling Menu


4. Sumdog – Spelling Challenge focusing on homophones.

  • Click on the above link to log into Sumdog.
  • Change your Subject from ‘maths’ to ‘spelling’
  • There you will find a 50 correct answers ‘Homophones Challenge’


Reading – The Wolf Wilder Chapter 7


  • Wolf Wilder Novel Ch7 – Take notes on Chapter 7 in your jotter or on Seesaw and send them to me


Tuesday 24th March (Social Studies)

World Oceans

L.I – locate the major oceans on a map

  1. Watch this video

Please take notes when watching this video for your Project


2. Continents, Countries and Oceans

You will require a world map to help you with this task. Use an Atlas or Google Maps

Geography Activity 2 P68-69

Complete Questions on P68-69

3. Write an Acrostic Poem about one of the World’s Oceans

See activity on SEESAW.



Use what you have learned to add to your research project. Remember your “Life Below Water” project has to be completed by Friday 27th March.

Tuesday 24th March (Literacy)

The Wolf Wilder – Chapter 6

I have attached an audio version of me reading chapter 6 on Seesaw as well.

TASK 1 – Note Taking

Whilst following the story make notes about what is happening.

Task 2 – Comprehension Questions

Rowling and Dahl groups to attempt both Challenge Questions. (Answer in Jotter)

Challenge Questions 1

  1. How do the wolves try to comfort Feo at the beginning of the chapter?
  2. Why is Rakov embarrassed?
  3. Where have the soldiers taken Marina?

Challenge Questions 2

  1. What is a labour camp? Why does Feo get confused when she hears her mother will be sent to a camp?
  2. How is Feo really feeling when she hears that the house has been burned down?
  3. Why do you think Feo is reluctant to ask Ilya for help?
  4. Who are the men watching at the end of the chapter? How do you know?
  5. How can being embarrassed be more dangerous than being angry? What does this mean?
  6. What does Ilya mean when he says Rakov ‘bleeds snow’?

Task 3 – Summarise

Rowling/Dahl – Write a summary of how to make a compass.

Walliams – Order these events from this chapter:

  • The wolves gather round Feo and comfort her.
  • Feo wakes up and remembers the awful events of the nights before.
  • As they ride away on the back of the wolves, there are three soldiers watching them.



  • How might the story have changed if Grey would not allow Ilya to ride her? EXPLAIN IN JOTTERS
  • Choose a book at home to read or on an e-book from an online source. See Useful Websites

Remember to record all your reading inside your Reading Log