Author Archives: Mr Craig

Monday 20th April (PAThS)

Welcome back everyone. I hope you’ve had a fantastic Easter Holidays and have all your batteries fully charged and ready to go for your final term in P7.

We get lots of opportunities to be Pupil of the Day throughout the school year but for adults at home, older siblings and your teachers they don’t get a chance to have a turn.

Today to spread some positivity, it is your job to design a compliment list for a special person. Make sure it is bright and colourful with their name and lots of things they like.

Next, fill that page with as many compliments you can!

Thursday 2nd April (P.E)



You are being challenged to design a home workout for the whole house, and then do it together. Here are some activities that might help

  • Jogging, jumping, hopping on spot
  • Star jumps
  • Burpees
  • Push ups
  • sit ups
  • Side steps
  • Skipping


  1. Create your workout. Your workout should be between 5-10 minutes. Select 5-8 activities to include in your workout. Your work out might be specific to a particular sport. BE CREATIVE If you can’t think of any, use the list above. Make sure you have a stopwatch to time each activity.
  2. Music – You might also wish to have appropriate music with an upbeat fast tempo.
  3. Bring everyone together to do it. – You are the Body Coach. Get everyone working hard!

Extension – Why not video your workout in action and send it via Seesaw.




Thursday 2nd April (Literacy)

Creative Writing – Animal Town

Story starter!

Most visitors are a little shocked (to put it mildly) when they arrive at Animal Town. Despite the fact that the name of the town gives a slight indication to passers-by that the inhabitants of the town are ‘not normal’, it’s as if people don’t believe things until the see them with their own eyes!

Once you get used to being in Animal Town – or so they say – seeing an orangutan behind a desk in a sheriff’s office and upholding the law to an impeccably high standard becomes relatively ‘normal’…

Main Activities (All uploaded for use on SEESAW)

  1. Question Time

  2. Sentence challenge!

  3. Sick sentences

4. Writing – Choice of writing activity

  • Imagine you are a visitor in Animal Town. Try to describe your experience.
  • Imagine you are one of the residents of Animal Town

Monday 30th March (Literacy)

Literacy –

Literacy Starter (Can be done on Seesaw or in jotter)

Use the letters to make as many words as possible in the space of 10 mins. You may only use the letters once for each word.

Main Lesson

L.I – familiarise with proper nouns.

For literacy this morning we are going to familiarise ourselves with Proper Nouns.

Proper Nouns begin with capital letters. These include names of:

  • people (Lady Gaga, Mr Craig, Dr Who, Cristiano Ronaldo, Sir Andy Murray)
  • places (Paisley, Glencoats, Lagoon, The Hydro, Scotland)
  • organisations (Nike, Facebook, Samsung, Oxfam, Manchester United)
  • unique things (Addresses, book titles, T.V Programmes)
  • days of the week (Monday, Tuesday…)
  • months of the year (January, February)


  1. Put the words in the correct box (Task on Seesaw)

2. Punctuation Practice –

Add the correct punctuation including capital letters for proper nouns in each sentence.


3. The Proper Noun Poem – 

On Monday in December, Sally swam seriously to Swindon.

On Tuesday in January, Terry trotted timidly through Texas.

On Wednesday in February, Carol crouched cautiously in Carlisle.

You will notice that the poem follows a simple pattern (a day of the week, a month, a name and a place).

You will also notice the poem has correct use of capital letters and of course full stops. You may wish to add alliteration (Carol crouched cautiously in Carlisle).

CREATE YOUR OWN POEM (in jotters or Seesaw notes)



4. Sumdog

Change subject to spelling and practice ‘Homophones 3’


Monday 30th March (Maths)

Maths – Rounding whole numbers (revision)

Maths Starter

See maths starter on SEESAW.

  • Countdown Challenge
  • Pyramid Brick Challenge

Main Lesson

  1. Watch video explaining key points of rounding:

This video link explains and revises the concept of rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. 


  • Remember the rule regarding 5. 5 or more round ⬆️, Less than 5 round ⬇️
  • It is easier to add multiples of 10 therefore we often round numbers to help us solve mental maths addition/subtraction questions.

2. Complete the rounding tables and mental maths questions using rounding as a strategy to help you (SEESAW). On slide 3 part (b) Click the microphone to record your explanation. Use the pens/Text boxes to help explain your working.


3. Sumdog Easter Maths Competition

This competition will run all week and is open to all pupils at Glencoats. Use this time to get a head start on the rest. Log in and get started.