Tuesday 28th April (Literacy)

Outdoor Literacy


Choose one of the following tasks for Outdoor Literacy;

Rope Trail Instructional Writing – Write set of instructions to move from point a) to point b) outside. Create your own trail, using both high / low areas, under / over tarpaulin, between trees/bushes etc.,

Use imperative verbs for your instructions. Once you have done this, blindfold a family member and ask them to follow your instructions. Would you change any instructions? Why not swap over and have your family member read out your instructions whilst you are blindfolded.

Picture frame – Collect 8 similar length twigs/branches and a range of natural materials. Whilst one person is blindfolded, the other gives instructions for them to make a picture frame on the floor with the sticks, and to create a picture or pattern using the natural items. The location of each item needs to be described so that the blindfolded person can place it without assistance. After 5 minutes, swap roles.

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