Monthly Archives: June 2020

Literacy (Monday 1st June)

Good Morning.

You have been working your way through the novel ‘Holes’ which is such a great book! I remember helping Miss Harvey with her class assembly that was based on this novel and I enjoyed being a part of it.

I have attached Chapters 13-16 for you to complete this week however I would only like you to read chapters 13 and 14 today. Once you have completed that, I would like you to write a summary of what has happened in each chapter. You can read chapter 13 and then write your summary before reading chapter 14 and then writing that summary.

Holes – Chapter 13-16

Remember a summary is a short paragraph that sums up the mains parts of that chapter. You should not be retelling the whole chapter.

Remember to show your work on seesaw for me to see 🙂

Have fun!

Miss Todd 🙂

Maths (Monday 1st June)


This week we are going to be focussing on Data Handling.

Today you will be interpreting data from tables and graphs that are already provided for you. It is important that you read the questions and pay close attention if there is a key as this does not always stand for 1.

Please complete Q1-6

Any problems then please get in touch!

Miss Todd 🙂

Music (Monday 1st June)

Music Time!!

Now I know how much this class love music and love a singsong. You all have your favourite songs that I am sure I have heard you sing over the last few years.

So now it’s time for you to write your own!

I would love for you to take your favourite song and change the lyrics to make the song about your time at Glencoats. You do not have to come up with the whole song, A verse or 2 with a chorus is plenty. Think about all the experiences you’ve had over the last 7 years and how it has made you feel.

You can show your work by a photograph of the lyrics or if you’re feeling brave, you could sing them on video!

Cannot wait to see these!

Miss Todd 🙂

Good Morning!



Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous so I hope you have been making the most of it. Don’t forget your sun cream!

I cannot believe today is the 1st June! This year has flown by and I am sure you all agree. Not long until the Summer Holiday’s now and you move on to High School, which I am sure is both exciting and scary. So lets make the last month of Primary School absolutely amazing! 🙂

Today’s work includes:

Literacy – Holes: Read Chapters 13-14 and write a summary of what happened.

Maths – Data Handling

Music – Rewrite the lyrics to your favourite song to make to about your time here at Glencoats.

Have a good day and don’t forget to post your work on SeeSaw for me to see!

Miss Todd 🙂