Literacy (Monday 1st June)

Good Morning.

You have been working your way through the novel ‘Holes’ which is such a great book! I remember helping Miss Harvey with her class assembly that was based on this novel and I enjoyed being a part of it.

I have attached Chapters 13-16 for you to complete this week however I would only like you to read chapters 13 and 14 today. Once you have completed that, I would like you to write a summary of what has happened in each chapter. You can read chapter 13 and then write your summary before reading chapter 14 and then writing that summary.

Holes – Chapter 13-16

Remember a summary is a short paragraph that sums up the mains parts of that chapter. You should not be retelling the whole chapter.

Remember to show your work on seesaw for me to see 🙂

Have fun!

Miss Todd 🙂

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