Friday 1st May (Maths)

Maths (Mental Maths multiplication strategies)

L.I – Use a range of multiplication strategies

Maths Starter activity (SEESAW)

Look at the questions on your page. How would you explain how to do this calculation. Can you show different ways to do this calculation. Use the microphone tool and add new pages to demonstrate.

  • Partitioning
  • Formal Sum (House sum, Upstairs downstairs)
  • Grid Method

Main Lesson

View the video to show you the grid method for multiplication.


Pyramids + Cubes

1a) 71 x 28        b) 37 x 52         c) 88 x 81        d) 397 x 61 (Pyramids only – how would this affect the layout of the grid?)

2) A greengrocer bought 25 boxes of oranges with 36 oranges in each box. He sold each box for £12

a How many oranges was there in total?

b How money did the greengrocer have after he’d sold the 25 boxes of oranges? ?


Spheres (Try Grid Method)

a) 12 x 9      b) 15 x 5        c) 32 x 5        d) 65 x 4      e) 53 x 7



  • Sumdog (The skills we will be focusing on are revision of area and perimeter)


  • The Pig Dice Game This game is similar to the skunk game, but there only needs to be one player and one dice. However, even with only one dice things will still get tense!

    What you need to play: 

    • One die
    • A sheet of paper

    How to play:

    Step 1: Throw the die and the player records the number that they roll. As long as a one isn’t thrown, the player can roll again and add the number to their total.

    Step 2: After each throw, the player has to decide whether to throw again or keep the points they’ve scored. If a one is thrown at any point, the player loses all the points scored so far.

    Step 3: The first player to score 100 is the winner.



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