Monday 27th April (Home Learning)

Create Your Own Timetable

One of the first things you will get when you go to secondary school is a timetable. The timetable you get will explain what subject, classroom and teacher you will have throughout the day at different time slots called ‘periods’.

For this morning I want you to create your own weekly timetable for home learning that you will try to stick with. Remember your plan must fit with you. If you are never up at 9:00am then don’t bother planning to do your first lesson at this point.

Each time table must have:

  • 3x 1hour lesson periods (usually 1 maths, 1 literacy and 1 other)
  • 1 hour of planned exercise (This could be playing outside)
  • 1 daily household task planned per day (tidy your bedroom, do the hoovering, wash the dishes etc)
  • Plan time for someone special each day. This could be a phone call, an email, writing a letter to post, FaceTime video call etc. It is important to keep in touch with people and let them know you care about them.
  • Plan slots for lunch and breaks etc
  • Don’t forget to plan in when you will be having free time. This could include many things catching up on TV programmes, watching Netflix, playing the X-Box etc.

Weekly Timetable Challenge example

Have a look at the example above.

I have attached a template for you to add to with text boxes, however you might wish to create/draw your own template on paper. If so, take a picture of it and send it to me. (Also available on Seesaw)

Weekly Timetable Template 

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