Gallowhill Primary School
Curriculum Policy Statement for: Literacy
We are following the guidelines of A Curriculum for Excellence to ensure that all children are having access to a curriculum that has:
- Breadth
- Depth
- Challenge
- Progression
- Coherence
- Challenge and enjoyment
- Personalisation and choice
Within the subject area of Literacy children have relevant experiences of appropriate Learning Outcomes which are carefully matched to their ability.
A variety of teaching strategies are employed to deliver this curricular area, including
- active learning opportunities
- cooperative learning strategies
- AifL strategies
- Formal traditional teaching methods
Appropriate resources are used to support the learning which include published core resources, in addition to IT interactive materials, other published resources and teacher-produced materials.
The teaching of Reading should follow the 3 Sharings approach and all new reading should be taught in class then practised at home.
3 Sharings: likes/dislikes
Puzzles – what confuses you
Connections – to other books or own experiences
We have added in inferential questioning too.
Agreed components of an excellent Reading programme for Gallowhill Primary should include:
- Differentiation
- Structured approach using graded published resources to develop understanding and fluency
- Regular and relevant reading experiences-fiction and non-fiction
- Opportunities to discuss reading
- Personalisation and Choice for readers
- Systematic approach to phonics and spelling including syllabification and rhyme
- Developing skills – Reading Detectives * being adopted throughout the school to ensure consistency of approach and to develop a systematic approach to note-taking skills
- ICT should be used regularly to enhance, support and motivate learning
*Reading Detectives:
P1 – Word Finder role introduced and taught to whole class
P2 – Question Master role introduced and taught to whole class; revise P1 Role
P3 – FeelingsWatcher role introduced ; previous roles reinforced
P4 – Summariser role introduced and all other roles reinforced
P5-7 – All roles used weekly with a weekly homework task issued
Big Writing is used throughout the school to ensure consistency of approach to the teaching and assessment of Writing. Thursday is the preferred day for every class to engage in the formal writing task.Formal assessment is done 4 times per school session – Baseline in early September and thereafter in November, February and final one at end of May.
Talking and Listening
Talking and Listening opportunities should be varied, allowing personal talks(prepared), individual expression of ideas,group discussions and whole class discussions.
Updated August 2017