Dargavel Primary School – Building Update

Dear parent/ carer,

I want to update you with some welcome news about the new Dargavel Primary School. Following conversations between ourselves, the site developer and the contractor, it is confirmed that the ground floor and the outdoor space, including the outdoor learning areas, will be ready for the start of the new school year in August.

As previously advised, all Primary 1-3 pupils will be located in the new building from August 2021.

It is currently expected that the works for the upper floor will be completed shortly after the new school term; these minor works will include painting and minor fittings.  I am looking at options within the existing ground floor space to see if we can accommodate more pupils in the school from the start of term. I will discuss this with Head of Schools, Gordon McKinlay, and if this option is suitable and needed because the upper floor is not yet ready, I’ll confirm this in the next couple of weeks.

We have also updated the Dargavel Primary School webpage on the council website with the latest information. We will keep this page updated with the latest information as building works and school preparations move forward.

If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, either by emailing bishoptonenquiries@renfrewshire.gov.uk or by joining the Dargavel Primary School Facebook group. Please remember to answer the membership questions on the Facebook page as you will only be approved as a member once these questions have been answered.

Kind regards,
