Category Archives: Primary 5b

Homework for 15th June

Apologies, I have been out of class for a few weeks and the homework blog has lapsed as a result.

This is the final week of homework – yipee!

Children should complete their grammar and mental maths sheets for Friday.

Homework Week Beg 14th May

Image result for Spelling

Write out  the word list 3 more times and write 5 sentences including a noun, adjective and verb.

Adjective – a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweetred, or giant.

Noun – a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things ( common noun ), or to name a particular one of these ( proper noun ).

Verb – a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hearbecomehappen

Image result for Numeracy

Please complete the mental maths sheet issued. This should be handed in on Friday.

Image result for Dive into reading


This term, we will be reading ‘One dog and his boy’ by Eva Ibbotson as part of a ‘Dive into Reading’ programme. Please note that this will not be sent home. Most activities  for reading will be carried out on our iPads using ‘Book Creator’.

Image result for one dog and his boy


Homework week beginning 30th April

Image result for spelling


Write out the word list three more times and write 5 sentences including a spelling word and an adjective. Highlight the spelling word and the adjective.

An adjective is a describing word.

Please have spelling homework in for Thursday.


Image result for sumdog


Please commit to at least 15mins of Sumdog this week. Focus on Times Tables and division facts.


Image result for nowhere emporium

Author Visit

Ross MacKenzie, author of The Nowhere Emporium is coming to visit on Thursday afternoon. Children will be encouraged to ask appropriate questions.

Fairtrade Art Competition

Every class took part in this year’s competition which was to draw and colour a picture which included the Fairtrade logo. Every class had one winner and the overall winners were Dylan P4a, Jennifer P6a and Sofia P5b. The prizes were Fairtrade chocolate and key rings. The judges were the P4 Fairtrade committee. All the entries were very good and the best are now on display in school.

The Fairtrade committee

The winning pictures

Homework week beginning 12th March

Image result for Listening and talking

Talk Homework

You should prepare a solo talk for the week beginning 19th March. This will be delivered in front of the class and it can be about anything of your choosing, as long as it is appropriate. The talk should last no longer than 3 minutes and you should use some form of visual aid to support your talk.


The Task

We are learning to present an individual talk.

We will be successful if we can:

  • Talk about something of our choosing for two minutes;
  • Talk at a suitable pace and volume so that our audience can hear and understand us;
  • Make regular eye contact with our audience;
  • Use visual aids, such as a PowerPoint, film clip or poster to support our talks


General ideas

Favourite hobbies, favourite sporting activities or teams, an historical event, a holiday, or a particularly memorable event in your life.


Notes about PowerPoint

Try not to have too much text in your PowerPoint and please do not read off the screen. Images and headings are useful for your audience and it will help you to structure your talk. You are welcome to use cue cards, but please ensure they are in the correct order and that you make regular eye contact with the audience.

Image result for Numeracy

Please complete the mental maths sheet issued on Monday 12th March.

Homework Week Beginning 19th Feb



Write out the word list three times and draw a picture with at least 5 of the spelling words hidden within the picture. Be as creative as possible.



All pupils should be reading their ERIC book at home. Some children benefit from paired reading tasks and others have Rapid Reader books. Sumdog Reading is also available to help develop core skills.



Pupils should complete the mental maths sheet issued on Monday. Please also learn from the 2 x up to the 12 x table. This does not need to be written out on the back of the sheet.


Please also remember to bring in headphones if you have them. They are required for our ‘You’re in the Band!’ topic.

Fairtrade Art Competition 2018

This year’s school competition is to draw a picture which includes the Fairtrade logo, for example as the eye of an animal or in the fabric of a dress. All pupils will have time in class to make an entry. There is a prize for each class. The closing date is 28 February . We are looking forward to seeing lots of imaginative ideas.

Homework Week beginning 5th February

This task should be completed on the A5 sheet of blank paper issued on Monday afternoon. The final drawing can be portrait or landscape. and should be handed in on Thursday 8th February.

Task – Detailed Observational Pencil Drawing – A view from a window

  • Draw the view from any window in your house and include the window frame, curtains, etc.;
  • Use pencil only – no coloured pencils;
  • Be as detailed as possible;
  • Include shading to show lighting






Please complete Mental Maths sheet by Thursday 8th February. Any issues before then, please see Mr Duffy.

Homework Week Beginning 22nd Jan

f – ff and ve 

Write out the spelling lists another three times and write 5 sentences which include a spelling word and at least one adjective (a describing word).



All pupils should be reading their ERIC book at home. Some children benefit from paired reading tasks and others have Rapid Reader books. Sumdog Reading is also available to help develop core skills.



Pupils should complete the mental maths sheet issued on Monday. There are some new concepts introduced this week, which we intend to revise over the next month.


Please also remember to bring in headphones if you have them. They are required for our exciting new topic!



Homework week beg 15th January

All homework tasks should be in by Friday 19th January.

Spelling lists are in homework jotters. Please write 6 pyramids and try to use the most complicated words.

Mental Maths sheet was given to everyone on Monday. Please remember to practise your times tables. The quick skills in Sumdog can help.

Please read your ERIC book as much as you can throughout the week.

Please also remember to bring in headphones (if you have them) and your P.E. kit.


Week Beginning 8th January

Firstly, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to those who got me gifts at Christmas time. This was extremely kind and very much appreciated. 

Mr Duffy

Below are the homework tasks for this week. Please remember that P.E. days are Monday and Thursday.


‘ous’ and ‘ious’ words

Please copy the word list out three times and write five sentences using your spelling words. This task is to be completed by Friday 12th January


Please complete the mental maths sheet for Friday 12th January.


Pupils will require their ERIC book every day.  Reading an ERIC book as part of homework should continue until further notice. Sumdog reading is also available to those who can access the internet at home.


Reminder to pupils If you have a pair of headphones, please bring them every day to school. All will come clear later…


Wizard of Oz

This is a live link to this year’s pantomime performance! We’re loving watching The Wizard of Oz – so far we’ve met Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Lion and the Wicked Witch of the West. Lots of laughs, songs to join in with and our Christmas lunch to look forward to too!


P5b Homework week beginning 27/11/17

We had some excellent IDK homework last week. Well done to the children for being so creative! Pictures will be uploaded here soon.

Literacy – Dictionary work – Word search task

Write out word list another 3 times. Create a word search using the sheet provided. The class will swap with each other on Friday.


Numeracy – Time

Complete both sides of the Time worksheet. This is part of our Mental Maths programme for this term.

Homework Week beg 20/11/17

Apologies, I think this post was deleted by mistake.


Homework this week consists of numeracy (mental maths sheet) and the children’s IDK homework, which they have had for one month.

Please remember that the IDK homework should not be a cumbersome task for both pupils and parents – it should be something that the children enjoy doing. They will present their homework to the class on Thursday and Friday.

You never know, there may be opportunities to earn some money…

If at first you don’t succeed…

This week we have been learning about the tale of Robert the Bruce and the spider. ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!’ has been the inspirational quote of the week in P5b.

With this in mind, we attempted two really difficult tasks: one was to create a spider’s web out of wire and the other was to complete a very complex maths problem. We were given one very clear instruction: ‘NEVER GIVE UP!”

Here are some pictures of us attempting the spider’s web:

Here we are working through the struggle of our maths problem. Give it a try:

Here we are getting our thinking down on paper:

Connie looks frustrated, but Jack calms her down by assuring her he’s nailed it!
What a week!

P5b Homework 6/11/17

P5b have reading, spelling and mental maths homework this week. All pieces of homework should be handed in on Friday 10th November.

Literacy – Spelling – Suffix ‘ship’ and ‘hood’

  • Write out word lists another three times
  • Write 5 sentences, including direct speech
  • Underline the spelling word used

Example:  “I was excited to tell the class about winning the swimming championship at the weekend.” said Angus.

Remember to include:

  • Inverted commas ” ” at the beginning and end of speech
  • A capital letter after the inverted commas
  • Punctuation at the end of the sentence   .  ,  !
  • Include who said it and for extra challenge, how they said it

Mental Maths

The children have been given a mental maths sheet. Strategies will have been covered in class. Please write on the sheet and hand in on Friday.

Pupils should aim to read their ERIC book every night. Those who benefit from guided reading activities should continue to do this at home.

Have a good week.

Mr Duffy

P5b Homework 30th October

Dear parents

Welcome to the blog! I hope you have received your letter. If not, please check your child’s bag.

This week’s homework for Friday 3rd November


Literacy – Spelling – Silent letters

Pupils should write out their word list another 3 times. We have two options for the  spelling task: 1) Rainbow Spelling of up to 5 words or 2) Draw a picture for 5 of your words and write the correct spelling above it.




Pupils have been given a worksheet on adding and subtracting.


Pupils should continue to read their ERIC book as part of homework. Most children would benefit from paired reading tasks.

Homework – Week beginning 23rd October

Welcome back!

We are settling into Hub life very well and have given a warm welcome to Miss White, who will be working with us for 5 weeks this term.

Our homework and class information will now be displayed here on our class blog. This will prevent any confusion regarding tasks.

Note that homework is due on Friday 27th October.

Literacy – Spelling – ness and ment

Children have been given their word lists to learn. They should write these out another three times and write 5 sentences using 5 of the most complicated/challenging words from the list.


I have programmed a Sumdog challenge which will focus on times tables – mainly the 6 and 7. Log in to Sumdog, click the ‘Assessment’ clock and begin. Children will not be able to access this after 10pm on Thursday.

Learn the 6 and 7 times tables up to x 12.


Please note that children must bring their P.E. kit on Mondays and Thursdays.


Mr Duffy

P5 Sports Challenge

  Primary 5 organised a Sports Challenge day for P1-6.

As part of their enterprise topic, P5 designed the obstacle course, adapting it for the infant and upper classes.

All children were asked to bring in a donation for our chosen charity, Child Bereavement UK.

Every P5 had a role to play, from collecting the money to timing each child that took part.

P5 would like to say a big thank you to all who participated. We were able to raise £100 for our charity, Child Bereavement UK.

We hope you all had a great time!

An extra well done to our winners!

Face to Face

P5b have been sharing their artistic talents by drawing a portrait of themselves.

Using a black and white photograph of themselves, they have been learning how to position the eyes, nose and mouth correctly when drawing a face.

The children learned how to use pencil shading to depict light and shadow.

They were encouraged to replicate the tones they saw in the photograph.