PELiCAN Project
PELiCAN Project is an exciting new initiative being delivered by the children of the ACE Base at Brediland Primary School. PELiCAN stands for Personalising the Learning Environment for Children with Additional Needs. The project promotes a positive ‘I can’ attitude where children and staff are trained by the children of the ACE base to adopt a number of useful strategies in order to encourage positive behaviour within all mainstream classrooms.
The children hope to roll the programme out across the whole of Renfrewshire. They have created a useful presentation to deliver at whole school assemblies. They have designed and linked with a graphic design company to create merchandise such as pencils, lanyards and bags brandishing the PELiCAN logo. The children were keen to make staff that have been trained in PELiCAN easily identifiable so that children can turn to them for help and support in moments they need it the most.
The project is in its infancy but the boys are thinking big. Using their experiences of being in the base and putting all the things they have learned to good use, the children hope that they can in turn help other children and staff manage challenging situations in a more positive way.