Category Archives: Whole School News


to Brediland Primary School website which contains information about our school and the many aspects of primary education.  We hope you will find it useful and informative.

We welcome our pupils and  strive to ensure that they enjoy being part of our school.   Brediland Primary School is a nurturing establishment in which we aim to support the individual needs of every child.

We want to work with you in partnership and we actively encourage you to take a positive role in the education of your children.  With your support we can work together to make sure your child gets the very best primary education available.

Looking forward to working with your child and you,

Mrs MC Temple
Head Teacher

House Captain Speeches

This afternoon, we held a very special school assembly to listen to the house captain candidate speeches. All of the speeches were outstanding; very well prepared and well delivered.

On Monday, children and staff across the school will receive a voting slip. The House Captains will be judged on their application forms, their speeches, general conduct, election posters and votes.

Good luck, everyone!