Category Archives: Blog

Netball Champions!

We have some very exciting news!  Yesterday, the Brediland netball team won the Paisley Summer Champions League!!  The team, which consists of Primary 6 and 7 pupils, competed against teams from other Paisley schools and came out on top.  Woo hoo!

We are very proud of our Netball Team, which is run by some of our parents who give up their spare time to coach the team and take them along to competitions.  We are very thankful to them for their commitment!

Cross County Champions!

28 children from Primary 6 and 7 participated in the Cross Country races today against pupils from across Renfrewshire. The weather was dry and sunny and they had a great day.

The teams all worked really hard and supported each other to achieve their best.

Well done to all of our amazing competitors!

Talent Show

Primary 6 have been very busy organising a talent show, which will take place on Wednesday 24th May.  Auditions for the show will take place on Tuesday 11th May.  If your child is interested in taking part, please ensure that they bring any items that they require on this day.

Going for Bronze

Our children in primary 3  and 4 started their Going for Bronze music lessons today.  Mrs Lax will be visiting Brediland every fortnight to work with classes on the Codaly approach.

Feis Phaislig

Today we had a visit from some musicians from Feis Phaislig, demonstrating Scottish music, dance and Gaelic singing.  The children thoroughly enjoyed this!  Feis Phaislig offer a number of opportunities for young people in Renfrewshire throughout the year.

During the summer holidays, from July 18th – 21st, they are offering music workshops for children aged 8 – 18.  The cost of this is £65 for 4 days, ending with a performance for parents/carers.  More information is available online


Welcome back!

Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and is ready for the busy term ahead!  The children have enjoyed playing on the grass today at break times and we hope that more good weather is on its way.