Mr Sheppard’s 2P1 left their work in their folders this morning in favour of a chance to capture Ben Lomond in all its icy majesty. The pupils worked from the elevated view of the Art department and spent a period capturing the clear, bright light and atmosphere that the frosty conditions brought to the landscape. Each pupil interpreted the scene differently. Below are some examples of their work.
From the top:
Adam Mason, Devlin McGhee, Kirsten Jenkins, Mark Johnstone and Mirrin Horn
Examples from last year’s Higher Photography SQA submissions are now on the website.
The examples were awarded A grades but both are quite different. They might help you when thinking about how to construct your final project.
REMINDER: The deadline for the Contextual Imagery project Powerpoint is the week beginning Monday the 12th of December!
If you would like the chance to have a piece of your art work immortalised forever in etched metal in the Johnstone High War Memorial, please see Mr Sheppard as soon as possible.
Mr Sheppard is looking for images around the theme of remembrance and these can feature any aspect of it from WW1 to the present day. He would like to have all year groups in the school represented within the memorial and is looking for 16 pieces of work.
Below are a few examples from 3rd year that have been produced already.
The exam art work sent to the SQA before the summer is now back in the building. If you paid to have your work returned, please speak to your teacher from last year about collecting it. We would like to keep one or two examples for a short while to photograph for displays.
If your work was submitted for remarking, remember the SQA will hang on to it for a whole year before returning it to the school.
Mr Sheppard
….The Expressive research homework due for the 25th of November is in the ‘Galleries’ section of the Art album on the website.
Please see me before the due date if you have any problems with the homework.
Mr Sheppard
Art @ Johnstone High School