Primary 1 have settled in well and enjoyed a lunch trial with their parents.
Author Archives: Ms Johnston
Primary 7 / S1 children’s Parliament Project
We were delighted to be invited to the unveiling of the mural created by the children of Renfrew High, Arkleston, Newmains and Kirklandneuk. The children shared their thoughts and feelings about moving on up to high school and then worked with representatives of the Children’s Parliament to create this lasting legacy which will be displayed at Renfrew High School.
My S Note by Mustaba
Our New Garden Area
Project Playground Begins
We are delighted that work has begun to create an outdoor space for P3 and P4 to eat their lunch surrounded by nature. The Parent Council have been raising money for a number of years now and the children have been involved in discussing with them what they would like in the playground. Starling Learning designed the space and work began today. We look forward to seeing how the work develops this week.
Members of the ICT club used the tablets and the program SNote to record the work done today.
Playground Fun by Montaha
Welcome Back
We hope that you all had a lovely summer break. The weather this year has been particularly nice and hopefully it will continue in term 1 allowing us to make the most of our school grounds. We hade a few incidents of vandalism over the summer and the janitorial staff have worked hard to tidy the grounds ready for the children returning. We would like to welcome the new P1 children to school and hope that they enjoy their first day.
Please visit again soon to find out more about the things that we get up to this session.
Arky’s Got Talent 2013
Goodbye Mrs Urie
After 13 years at Arkleston Primary School, the staff and children said farewell to Mrs Urie. She leaves us to take up a new post at Arkleston Primary School. We would like to thank her for her hard work over the years and wish her all the best for the future.
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