Dear Pupil/Parent/Carer,
Tomorrow, Thursday 18th January, all pupils from S2 through to S5 will complete a ‘dummy run’ of the options process in the assembly hall.
The dummy run process provides statistical information that allows us to create the most efficient column structure and to maximise the number of pupils getting their first options choices. Pupils are not bound by the selections they make in the dummy run process but should endeavour to make sure their choices are as reflective of their final intentions as possible.
There will be a Parental Options Information Evening on Wednesday, January 31st at 7pm-9pm, by which point the final options column structure will be finalised and available. Parents/carers and pupils will also have the opportunity to hear from and speak to staff from every department/faculty about courses on offer and pathways for pupils. For the final options process itself, every pupil from S2-S5 will be given the opportunity to attend a one-to-one options interview to make their final subject choices and parents will be invited to these interviews in due course.
Finally, you can click Options Booklet (session 18-19) for an overview of the courses on offer to pupils in the dummy run process.
Mr Miller
Depute Head Teacher