Bag 2 School Collection

The Tanzania World Challenge team have organised a collection with Bag 2 School as part of their fund raising for their trip to Tanzania next summer.

Bag 2 School will be coming to the school to make a collection this coming Tuesday 14 June.


Bag 2 SchoolIf you have any old clothes, shoes, hats, bags, handbags etc.  cluttering up your wardrobes at home then why not bag them up in any old bin bag and get them into the school on Monday or Tuesday for collection?

A list of items that can be submitted can be found at the following web page – Bag 2 School.

Bags can be deposited by pupil or parent at the school reception and we’ll make sure that they make their way down to the Computing and Business Education Department for uplift.

Those old kipper ties are not coming back into fashion any time soon – let them be gone!

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