Under 15 Football vs Glennifer

Tuesday the 10th of March  2015 saw the team make the short trip to Houston to play an undefeated in the league Gryffe team with the boys keen to make amends for their first league defeat the previous week at St Luke’s following on from 4 impressive victories.

A closely fought first half saw the team unlucky to go in at the break a goal down after a bit of a defensive mix up.

The second half saw a spirited start from Johnstone and a great run by Greg Steven saw him ghost past 3 players and hit a fine shot which unfortunately struck the post before rebounding to safety.  A gaol at this stage would have been more than deserved.

Unfortunately, the Gryffe number 10 then scored with a fine header to put them 2 – 0 up which cause Johnstone heads to drop a little.

A late mini-collapse resulted in a final score of 4 – 0 to Gryffe who on the day deserved the victory but the margin of victory was certainly harsh.

Ultimate disappointment but special mention must be made to Harvey Brown who had an outstanding match and was a clear man of the match.  harvey covered every inch of the pitch in a high energy performance including crunching tackles, precision passes and intelligent runs with the ball at his feet.  On no account did Harvey deserve to finish on the losing side in a match where he, as ever, took the knocks that came his way with customary good grace.  Nobody epitomises the spirit of “it’s not the winning but the taking part that counts” more than Harvey.  Well done that man.

Next up on Monday 16th March is a chance of revenge with Gryffe heading to Johnstone for the return tie.

No team has come to the Johnstone Astro Dome and come away with the points.  Let’s maintain that proud record next week.

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