The Pupil Council have been working extremely hard for the past few months. We would like to inform you about a couple of things that we have done and will be happening in the future.
The Dress in Blue Day for Diabetes went wonderful. The total amount of money we raised was an amazing £236.62. That includes the biscuits, the raffle and the dress in blue day. You had to pay 50p to come to school dressed in blue. Ellie and Ashleigh from P7 and P7/6 made 180 biscuits and that raised us £32.70. Owen Wilson, P7/6 sold raffle tickets for a blue bracelet his big sister made and he raised over £60! We would like to give a very big thank you to everyone that helped us by donating money or by just helping us.
All of our money as you already know will go to Diabetes and we want to raise more awareness about this Charity. We also donated the money we raised at the Sing-a long and Nativity in December to RNIB and Cancer Research.
We also chose themes for the Quiet Assemblies. The one in November was about being Grateful and the one in January was about New Years Resolutions. In February it will be Fair Trade.
We have also been thinking about having links with Vision Africa, which means we will talk to a school in Kenya and they can talk to us. This will be further discussed and we will update you on progress.
In our Dining Hall the Pupil Council have been busy making our Lunch Hall Charter which explains to pupils the rules in the dining hall and why we have to follow them. After making this we have displayed it on a large wall in the dining hall for everyone to see.
Soon in the summer, as we always have, it’s our Sports Day but because it’s the Commonwealth Games this year we have decided we would like to change it this year. Our proposal is that all of the classes in the school will have it on the same day because we think parents will find this easier. We have also been thinking about new sports to include, so hopefully if you can make it you will see some of our new and amazing sports. Watch this space!!!
We hope you enjoyed reading about the Pupil Council activities. We would be delighted if you could leave us some feedback or have any suggestions to make.
We will do another update soon.
By Ellie Sands and Claire Cree