Pupil Council Update February 2014

The Pupil Council have been working extremely hard for the past few months. We would like to inform you about a couple of things that we have done and will be happening in the future.

The Dress in Blue Day for Diabetes went wonderful. The total amount of money we raised was an amazing £236.62. That includes the biscuits, the raffle and the dress in blue day. You had to pay 50p to come to school dressed in blue. Ellie and Ashleigh from P7 and P7/6 made 180 biscuits and that raised us £32.70. Owen Wilson, P7/6 sold raffle tickets for a blue bracelet his big sister made and he raised over £60! We would like to give a very big thank you to everyone that helped us by donating money or by just helping us.

All of our money as you already know will go to Diabetes and we want to raise more awareness about this Charity. We also donated the money we raised at the Sing-a long and Nativity in December to RNIB and Cancer Research.

We also chose themes for the Quiet Assemblies. The one in November was about being Grateful and the one in January was about New Years Resolutions. In February it will be Fair Trade.

We have also been thinking about having links with Vision Africa, which means we will talk to a school in Kenya and they can talk to us. This will be further discussed and we will update you on progress.

In our Dining Hall the Pupil Council have been busy making our Lunch Hall Charter which explains to pupils the rules in the dining hall and why we have to follow them. After making this we have displayed it on a large wall in the dining hall for everyone to see.

Soon in the summer, as we always have, it’s our Sports Day but because it’s the Commonwealth Games this year we have decided we would like to change it this year. Our proposal is that all of the classes in the school will have it on the same day because we think parents will find this easier. We have also been thinking about new sports to include, so hopefully if you can make it you will see some of our new and amazing sports. Watch this space!!!

We hope you enjoyed reading about the Pupil Council activities. We would be delighted if you could leave us some feedback or have any suggestions to make.

We will do another update soon.

By Ellie Sands and Claire Cree

Pupil Council News April 2013

Spot the teachers!!



It’s Lyle here with a Pupil Council Update.  If you have been reading our news, we would love you to post a comment.

Big Toilet Debate

The Pupil Council participated in the Big Toilet Debate on Glow.  36 schools across Scotland took part.  Every school had an opportunity to have their say by responding to questions on-line.

We learned that some schools have outside toilets and some schools do not have hand dryers.

The Pupil Council thought that towards other schools our toilets are pretty good however, we like the idea of having murals on the wall like some schools have and we would definitey like liquid soup and will put this forward as a suggestion for improving the toilets.

Day For Change

On Tuesday the 26th of March the Pupil Council Day For Change took place. On that day pupils dressed like teachers and teachers dressed like pupils and they gave a pound to UNICEF for taking part.  It was good fun for everyone and we raised £204.00. Please have a look at  the photos of some of the pupils and teachers.

Pupil Council News – February 2013

Today at our meeting, the Pupil Council decided to particpate A RIGHT Blether Big Toilet Debate. This will take place on Glow on Thursday 28th of  February.  The purpose of this is to discuss and look at mutual respect in relation to the provision of  toilet facilities in primary schools to ensure that everyone is able to access good quality facilities.

Before this date the Pupil Council members will carry out a survey in every class to get their class mates views about the toilets, and and adults too.  At the Glow meet they will have a chance to pass on the views of everyone in the school to Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People.

Posted by Lyle Power (P7/6)

Pupil Council News – January 2013

The new school menu will start on Monday 4th February.Another meeting with Environmental Services and the pupil council will take place before the new menus start on the 21st January.Update to follow.

Unicef Day for Change

The Unicef Day for Change was discussed and various option of how to raise money.The Pupil Council decided would be fun for teachers to dress as pupils and the pupils to dress as teachers for a day. This will take place on Tuesday 26th March. Everyone would pay a pound.The Pupil Council will show a video at assembly the week before the Day for Change and explain to everyone why we are raising money for Unicef.

by Sherzah Jamal P7 Rep

Pupil Council News

On Thursday 22nd November, members of the Pupil Council visited our school Chaplain’s Church in Houston to assist in the organising of the shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse Appeal.   This certainly taught them a lot about being responsible citizens as they had to check each shoe box to check that everything in it was appropriate for the children it was being sent to.  They were very proud of themselves, as by the end of the visit, they had checked a couple of hundred shoe boxes!

What else have the Pupil Council been to?

A meeting took place with Lorraine Corrigan of Environmental Services to discuss Arkleston being a pilot school for a new menu in the Dinner Hall, starting in January.  Environmental Services are trying to encourage healthy eating and Lorraine was very keen to get the views of the children, not just about the food on offer but also any ideas they had to improve the Dinner Hall area and the whole dining experience.  More news to follow once the trial period starts after the Christmas holidays…………. and………. members of the Pupil Council to start blogging!!

Respecting Others Pledges

During Anti-Bullying week (13th to 16th November) the Pupil Council organsied for every class in the school to take a Respecting Others Pledge. The Senior Management Team and the teachers also took the pledge. These pledges are on display in the Foyer. The Pupil Council organised a competition to design a Respect Poster and the winning entries are on display too.

Pupil Council

Arkleston Pupil Council members have been elected by their class mates to represent them and put forward their views. This session the Pupil Council has representatives from every class from Primary 1 through to Primary 7. In previous years there were representatives from Primary 4 onwards only. Having representatives on the Pupil Council means that children can play a part in making decisions about the school and put forward other children’s viewpoints about issues that are important to them.

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