Queensferry Crossing School Trip

On Tuesday 13th November, P7C and P6/7 visited the Forth Bridges Resource and Education Centre as part of their topic on bridges.  In the morning, we talked about what engineers do and decided we are basically all engineers because engineering is problem solving.   We then were put into groups where we all had an individual role to build the tallest tower possible out of a certain number of blocks.  We decided the best design to use and then went for it.  It was great fun and the tallest tower was 152 cm!!

After lunch, in a sunny but windy day, we all walked across the Forth Road Bridge and it was lovely to see all 3 bridges up close.  We were surprised that the Forth Road Bridge moved when we walked on it but it is a suspension bridge after all.   We also couldn’t believe how high the towers were.

On the way home we had a sing song on the bus which the teachers really enjoyed !?  A great day.


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