Monthly Archives: September 2017

HIIT comes to Newhill!

On Monday, the two P7 classes came together to enjoy their first HIIT session led by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach.  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  The P7s showed tremendous perseverance and followed the routines very accurately.   The P7s’ feedback was extremely positive with the majority saying that they would like to do it again.

We followed this by some fitness circuits so a very good workout by all involved.

Well done P7!!


House Captains

After a 3 week election campaign consisting of making manifestos, video speeches, posters, canvassing for votes, speaking to all adults and staff  saying why they would make good house/vice captains and culminating in a very exciting election afternoon where pupils visited their respective houses’ polling stations, the house captains and vice captains were given their badges from Mrs Patton at the weekly assembly.   All candidates worked very hard and showed a good understanding of how democracy works and the importance of voting.


Maths Week Scotland

This week is Maths Week Scotland across Scottish schools. (11th-15th Sept). As a result P7 blocked out a whole morning to just focus on maths. The year group was split into teams of 6 to visit 8 stations all morning until lunchtime whilst using various skills.

Stations included:

Symmetry in Nature (outdoor learning)

Maths Trail (working in pairs around playground/recording/investigation thinking)

Sumdog (to tie in with the current Maths Week Contest)

Make 24 online game (mental maths)

Problem Solving (critical thinking skills)

Tangrams (2d Shape/Creativity/problem solving)

Gameboards (working with others)

French Number Game (cross curricular)

The pupils really enjoyed looking at different aspect of maths and found that they used a range of skills.


Wolf Brother – Outdoor Learning

As part of our Wolf Brother topic we have been using the local environment to support our learning. Taking advantage of the local woods we have been using natural resources to enhance our learning experiences.

Using our knowledge of Wolf Brother we were working in our clan groups to create shelters. We had to think about location, materials and size. We were really proud of our achievements!