Monthly Archives: August 2017

House Captain Election

Since starting P7 we have been working on a mini democracy topic. This week the topic will finish with an election to decide who will be crowned house captains for each house. Before the vote on Friday afternoon (1st Sept) pupils will be spending time meeting pupils and trying to win their votes.

The pupils held a campaign event in the gym hall to talk to voters and will be showing their campaign videos at special screenings. They have created manifestos and produced posters to tell pupils their promises. All staff members have been really impressed with the maturity of the P7s and their ideas to help better the school.

Canvassing for votes
Canvassing for votes
Canvassing for votes
Ardblair House Captain Candidates
Lansdowne House Captain Candidates
Newton House Captain Candidates
Marlee House Captain Candidates



This week P7  started learning how to be safe when cycling on the roads. Both classes will take part in this every Monday morning in the playground or on the road. Each week we will focus on different skills and follow this up in class with theory lessons.

Today we checked that our bikes were in good working order and helped to double check a friends. We then practised braking in different scenarios and had to keep balance/control when manoeuvring our bikes round a course.

What you can help with at home for next week:

  • using both brakes to emergency stop.
  • controlling the bike round set courses.
  • looking behind when travelling in a straight line.