Logging into Glow needn’t pose a problem for you, as long as you use Glow regularly and remember your login details, or if you keep a note of your username and password.
Every single school pupil and teacher in Perth and Kinross has a Glow account and it should not be difficult for you to make use of the many resources that are available through Glow.
Yes, Glow has had its critics, but this has been to do with creating content, rather than using the wealth of excellent resources that your account gives you access to.
Password tips:
The easiest way to meet Glow’s password policy is to use two words, separated by a space. For pupils, this could be as simple as using two words like ‘red’ and ‘bus’, separated by hitting the space bar. Just use two words that you will always remember and separate them with the space bar.
Pupils need 7 characters in total (so red space bus meets that) and staff need 8 characters in total, so just add a four letter word and a three letter word, with the space in the middle. Easy.
Here’s a video guide from Our Cloud:
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