SLF 2017

Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy

In developing our strategy for Perth and Kinross we’ve focused on 4 key areas in order to develop teacher confidence and innovation across our service.

It is the work done here that has shaped the soon to be published strategy.


Building relationships, knowledge, technical support and capacity for providing professional development

Collaborate with IT Services to deliver and understand shared vision and needs.

Trusted partnerships with Apple,   Microsoft,  Google,  Education Scotland,  XMA, GLOW  and RM Support.

North East Digital LA member,  sharing approaches to support/learning and teaching.

Digital Leader for Perth & Kinross in the national Digital Leaders group, informing nationally policy.

Local  Authority ICT transformation board membership.

Breadth of CLPL approaches – working with individual pupils or teachers, classes, departments, schools, clusters,  partner providers or other areas of the service.


iPad – ensuring the investment in technology is benefiting learners and teachers

Such a powerful and creative toolbox cannot sit in cupboards!

Deliver creativity with iPad sessions across our estate through twilights, roadshows as well as inset day and cluster events.

Build capacity utilising support from XMA and Education Scotland to train and inspire use of devices in classrooms.

Further develop the Perth & Kinross Apple Regional Training Centre.

Invest in technology which demonstrate innovative approaches to learning – drones, robots, 360 cameras etc.

Vision and planning sessions for leaders.


Increasing use of the world class digital tools available in GLOW – silence the GLOW groan just using show and tell.

300% increase in unique users across our estate by:

Training 57 GLOW advocate in collaboration with Microsoft.

GLOW roadshow events across the council as well as inset, cluster and individual schools, departments and services, from Early Years and Partner Providers to admin and information security.

Managing tenancy for 84 schools and introduce GSuite.

Collaborating with inclusion services to use GLOW to support pupils out of education.

Develop networks on Yammer to support collaboration across schools, subject and stages.


Support schools in developing approaches to Computing Science and revised Technologies outcomes.

110 staff attended Adventures in Computing Science events across 7 localities in collaboration with Education Scotland.

CLPL sessions for schools interested in setting up Code Clubs.

Engage in evaluative group with Education Scotland for new E’s and O’s.

Develop Gender specific lesson plans in computing science in music and dance.

Purchase devices to help schools engage in physical computing science – Blubots, Dash and drones.



Additional activities

Newsletter, Blog and Twitter feed as channels for staff information and engagement.

Establishment of Digital Learning Reference Group comprising staff from across the sectors to inform local policy and priorities.

Films for Digital Learning week.

Validate Seesaw with ISO as primary parental engagement tool.

Presenting at GIRFEC parent conference as well as Learning through Technology conference

Supporting learning and teaching using digital solutions

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