P5 entered ‘The School We’d Like’ competition to try to win £5000 to build a cookery and life skills room. We got through to the semi-finals! We spent a lot of time discussing what we would like in the room and what we would use it for. We also talked about what life skills are and we thought they were something you would need to know for when you were older such as cooking, cleaning, washing, staying safe and managing money. We carried out a survey of the children from P1 to P7 and sent a survey home to ask what other people thought we should use the room for. Also, we talked about how we could use the room to benefit other people in the community, such as Brownies, Compass, the Care Home, young carers, other schools and many others and we made paper chain puppets to show who we could help. Then Andrew and Chloe went with Miss Sinclair and took all this information down to Newcastle! They had to persuade the judges to choose our school to get the money by presenting all the information. Miss Sinclair said they did a fantastic job. Chloe said, ‘I felt very nervous to start off with but as the presentation went on I got the hang of it. I enjoyed the day and I am very confident that we did well and I hope that we win!’
The judges asked some very tricky questions but were impressed with the answers Chloe and Andrew gave. We are all very proud of them for presenting the information and P5 worked really well together to collect it all.