Category Archives: Information

Perth and Kinross Inclusion Services Parent/Carer Survey is now live!

Perth and Kinross Education and Children Service are currently undertaking a review of Inclusion Services to align our practices with local and national policies and to support the improvement of outcomes for all children and young people in Perth and Kinross.

Why Are We Consulting:

Inclusion is the cornerstone to help us achieve equity and excellence in education for all our children and young people. As we work to continue to improve these outcomes we understand that a fundamental step in achieving our goal is a series of consultation and engagement activities with parents/carers, children and young people and staff.

We continue to review our services to ensure they meet the needs of our children and young people and we would like your views on the subject. Your responses will assist us in achieving our vision of a service that provides excellent inclusive practice in every school/educational establishment in Perth and Kinross.

Please click on the link to access the survey: Perth and Kinross Inclusion Services Parent/Carer Survey or copy the following address to your browser.

This survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and will remain open until 15th September 2019.

Please take this opportunity to ensure your voice is heard.