Category Archives: Information

What a Good Coupar Angus Remote Learner looks like…

Recently during our period of Remote Learning we asked our pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7 “What makes a good Remote Learner?”

They enthusiastically answered us with lots of helpful tips and insights into what helps them to be better at Remote Learning.

We turned these comments into an animation to share with our wider school community. We hope you enjoy!


January 2021 Newsletter

January 2021 Newsletter. Please find below a link to our latest SWAY newsletter which gives further information about the return to school for Nursery and Primary 1-3 pupils on Monday the 22nd of February.

Go to this Sway

Eco Schools Award – 5th Green Flag!

We are very pleased and proud to announce that we have been awarded our fifth Green Flag Award by Eco Schools Scotland!  This recognises the hard work of the children and the school community within the wider local community to protect the environment and develop sustainable behaviours.

The feedback received from Eco Schools was very positive:

“A massive congratulations on achieving your 5th Eco-Schools Green Flag Award! I must
commend the work that Coupar Angus Primary School has been doing over the last few years
or so. It is a joy to read how the pupils, the school, and the local community have been getting
involved with your Eco-Schools Journey.
We also noticed aspects of your work as being examples of good practice. We may use these
on our website and social media as case studies to support other schools with their Eco-
Schools Scotland work.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the range of activities that you have taken forward during
your Green Flag journey. Going through your application was a great start to my day as I felt like
I was there with you on your journey. As a school community you have worked hard to ensure
that your work has an impact both within the school but also within the local community. The
work that you have been doing to reduce the amount of litter, both with and outside of your
school grounds is fantastic to hear.

It was great to read and see how you have encouraged your students and community to
become more aware around developing their knowledge of Global Citizenship. It was lovely to
read how you have thought of simple, sensible changes that I am sure will have long lasting
effects on the students and staff. It was a great idea to involve the Butterybank Community
Woodland Group to aid in a number of school sustainability projects. It is great to hear students
and staff going that extra mile to be more sustainable and environmentally aware. Well done on
such worthwhile initiatives.
It’s also fantastic to read how you have put a lot of value into your Biodiversity topic, by
continuing to reinforce previous strategies ensures that students, and teachers do not fall back
into bad habits and create long term positive behavioural change. This is something Coupar
Angus Primary School should be extremely proud of and is lovely to read about and can only
benefit the school and wider community as a whole – so well done. It is also great that you have
used your work towards your Green Flag as a way for various teachers to showcase their skills
and passions to help the schools eco committee.”

We are very pleased to receive this feedback and the children have already begun work on the next Eco Action Plan!

Here is the certificate and also our revised Eco Code:

Coupar Angus Primary School Eco Code
