Category Archives: Community

WEEE Recycling

Coupar Angus, Burrelton & Woodside Zero Waste Challenge

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Coupar Angus, Burrelton and Woodside are hosting Perth and Kinross’s 13th Zero Waste Challenge between Monday 25th August and Wednesday 17th September 2014, run by Energy Saving Coupar Angus in partnership with Perth & Kinross Council’s Waste Services.

The aim of the Zero Waste Challenge is that from Monday 25th August, householders in Coupar Angus, Burrelton and Woodside are encouraged to put as little as possible in the Green-Lidded (General Waste) Bin – until after the next general waste collection.   Simultaneously, householders are encouraged to put as many recyclable items in the Blue-Lidded (Recycling) Bin as possible.

Over 80% of the contents of the average general waste bin in Perth and Kinross can instead be:

  • Reduced (minimising food waste, stopping unwanted mail, minimising packaging),
  • Reused (using Real Nappies, using reusable bags, passing items on for reuse locally)
  • Recycled (in the Blue-Lidded Bin, in the Brown-Lidded (Food & Garden Waste) Bin, at Recycling Centres or at local Recycling Points).

For more information about WEEE Recycling, please look out for updates on twitter at #weeebitsofinfo or to find out more about the Zero Waste Challenge, please visit

Farmers’ Market

On Wednesday 27th August we held P7’s Farmers’ Market. With support from RHET’s Anna Dickinson we were able to celebrate locally produce food. Thats too go to Scotmid, Mr Easson, Mr Hanlin, McLaren’s Fruit, Greendale, ESCA, Sustrans and the Langelaan family for all their support. We raised almost £700 which will go into School funds and will be used to help redevelop the nursery garden and to fund transport to various events.

For more information about the Farmers’ Market please click here.






With support from Energy Saving Coupar Angus (ESCA), we will be running a SWOP SHOP at the school on Friday 29th August 2014.

Children are asked to bring in:

  • a book
  •  a toy
  • clothes
  • school uniform they no longer need

They will then have an opportunity to swap it for another item. Children should bring their items to school on friday morning.

We are keen to help children to understand the importance of reducing waste by recycling items.

Thank you for your support.

M R Cameron

Head Teacher