On Thursday 26 September we celebrated European Day of Languages in the following ways:
Children in TR1 studied the map of Europe and looked closely at three countries. At snack time they enjoyed sampling some of the countries’ traditional foods.
Our morning nursery joined Primary 1 to learn two French songs – Frere Jacques and Savez-Vous plantez les chouz? The afternoon class learned Polish words for farm animals.
Children in Primary 2 can say hello, goodbye, please and thank you in French. The can also count from 1 to 10 in French.
Children in Primary 3 learned a new Spanish song.
Children in TR2 learned Polish words for greetings, colours, numbers to 10 and drew the Polish flag.
They also read the story of Goldilocks in German.
Primary 4 children can now say the days of the week in Spanish.
Kornelia taught the boys and girls in Primary 5 how to sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Polish.
Primary 6 and some of their parents had a German breakfast.
Primary 7 joined up with their ‘Wee Pals’ in Primary 1. The Polish children taught the rest of the children the Polish names for animals. They then sang Old McDonald Had a Farm in Polish.