School Uniform

The wearing of school uniform is encouraged at all times as we believe that a school uniform is part of our positive ethos and encourages a sense of community.

Sweatshirt Royal Blue
Trousers Grey or black
Skirt Grey or black

School sweatshirts and nursery sweatshirts can be purchased from My Clothing.

For PE pupils should bring a change of shoes, shorts and t-shirts. Please discourage inappropriate logos. 

School Meals

It is the Authority’s policy to provide meals and facilities for the consumption of school made lunches and packed lunches.  Three choices of school meals are available for Primary pupils and one option for Nursery. Pupils are issued with a menu a term in advance and are asked to choose an option at the start of each day. Payment for lunches can be made on ParentPay, this is added immediately to the pupil’s lunch card. Pupils may choose to bring a packed lunch which is also eaten in the dining area.

Parents may also choose for their child to have a home lunch; however, a class teacher or school office must be informed at the start of the school day.  The school’s responsibility for the pupils at lunchtime relates to those who remain at school for either a school lunch, or a packed lunch.  Parents/carers are responsible for pupils who go home for lunch.

There is no requirement for sch9ool staff to pass a primary age pupil int the care of an adult, so parents/carers must have clear arrangements in place, including whether the pupil can make their own way home, if they require to be met at the school and any contingency plans if arrangements are to change

School clothing grant

You can claim a school clothing grant for your child(ren) if you are receiving:

  • Universal Credit where the monthly earned income does not exceed £625.
  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child tax credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and your income is less than £16,105.
  • Child Tax Credit and Working Tax credit and your income is less than £7500.
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Education and Childrens Services will consider one application per academic year for a grant towards the cost of purchasing essential clothing to enable children, up to the age of 16, to attend school. 

You can apply for a clothing grant via the link above under FSM.

Alternatively application forms may be obtained from Headteachers or Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, PERTH, PH1 5GD

Free School Meal entitlement

Access to free school meals (FSM) is an important part of the school meals service in Scotland.  It is important that pupils entitled to FSM get them without fear of stigmatisation.  They should not be made to feel different from those who pay, nor be readily identified by others.  Our meal payment and pre-order systems fully support these aims.

Primary 1-4 are currently entitled to free school lunches.

Currently if your child I in P5 and above you can claim FSM for your child(ren) if you are receiving:

  • Universal Credit where the monthly earned income does not exceed £625.
  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child tax credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and your income is less than £16,105.
  • Child Tax Credit and Working Tax credit and your income is less than £7500.
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

You can apply online for FSM at the following link:

For more information on Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit visit the Inland Revenue website.

Payment of School meals and ParentPay

School meals should be paid through ParentPay, the online payment solution for Perth and Kinross Council.  School meals, trips and other school related items can be paid for online.  Parents/Carers have the ability to access their own secure account which will give information regarding their accounts, including amount paid, when paid and amounts outstanding.

Parent pay is Logierait primary schools preferred method of payment, please contact the school for your ParentPay account activation code.

Medically prescribed diets and associated food allergies

School lunches can be provided for children in primary schools either requiring a medically prescribed diet or who have any food allergies.  Parents can also self-mange simple dietary requirements for their children by using the interactive menu and carbohydrate menu available from Tayside contracts.  Please contact the school office for more information.

Medically prescribed diets can usually be accommodated with the school lunch service.  A medically prescribed diet is one which has been prescribed by a GP or a hospital physician.  This does not include pupils who simply dislike certain foods or who follow a complex diet under the volition of themselves or a parent without the correct medical evidence.  Written evidence from a doctor or registered dietician will be required prior to making special arrangements.

For more information on school meals including menus, meal photos and forms, please visit the website:


To access the current interactive menu which provides recipe, nutritional and allergy information, please visit: and click on the interactive menu link.  This site also contains details of forthcoming promotions.

For any other enquiry please contact:

Catering Support Team Support Services

Education and Children Services

Perth and Kinross Council

2 High Stree



Tel No: 01738 476341
