Our gift to CATH House

Nell – We have made stars with our buddies.  These are for hanging up.

Logan – We have made a Christmas cake with Ms Lyttle, our school cook.  We had to decorate it.  It has stars, a Christmas tree and snowflakes.

Alex – We put marzipan on the cake too.

Eve – We made party hats.  We had to decorate them with drawings of Christmas things.

Sami – We made Christmas pudding with Lindsay.

Ellie – We made Christmas cards.  We made 2 each so everyone could have one.  One of them was a snowman card and the other was a Christmas pudding card.

Hazel – We made paper chains with Lindsay and Mrs Erdelyi. 

Max – We made sweeties.  We cut them into shapes.

Emelia – We bought crackers too.

Sophia – We put all the photos onto paper.

Logan – …to show what we have done.

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