Our Trip to The Discovery

As part of our learning about explorers, we visited Discovery Point.

We met the people at Discovery and they told us Stewart would take us on the ship and show us around. – Archie

He gave us a tour of the ship. – Sami

We saw spinney chairs – Eve.

We saw bedrooms – Callum.

We saw ankle bashers which are for letting light in – Logan.

We pretend people like a cook and a coalman and a cat – Max.

There was a man playing games and he cheated because he had a card up his sleeve – Emelia.

We saw the ship’s bell – Sami.

And the steering wheel – Max.

We saw the sick bay – Luke – You could catch frostbite in the cold.

And scurvy – Logan.

After the ship we tried on some clothes that you would wear on an expedition – Tegan.

Some of them were old and some of them were new – Charlie.

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