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Deep Sea World

Today P2/3 travelled to Deep Sea World in Edinburgh. We had a fabulous time! We learnt lots of things.

First of all we went to a class on how to be a diver and pretended to put our suits on. We learnt about different animals in rock pools, in shallow waters and the deep sea.

Next we went out and explored rock pools and were able to touch some anemones and starfish.

We saw piranha, crabs, seahorses and lots of other types of fish. Then we went to the Jaws section and went on the moving walkway and saw different types of sharks and rays.

After lunch we went to the amphibian section and saw lots of frogs and lizards. We then went outside to see the seals.

Finally we visited the gift shop and bought a souvenir of our visit.

A big thank you to Mrs Kelly who accompanied us on our trip!