Tag Archives: Tatty Tales

Tatty Tales

Today we had to earth up our potatoes because when we measured them they were 20cm tall. Most of us took turns to put some more soil on the potatoes. we earth them to protect from the frost and weeds.

We also dug up pot A to see the roots. There were no potatoes but there was hook forming which is a sign that potatoes would form.

Hopefully when we dig up Pot B there will be some small potatoes visible.

Tatty Tales

Today we looked at our potatoes to see how they are getting on after the holidays.

They are growing well.

Aiva measured our largest plant and it was 16cm tall and the smallest one was 10 cm.

Luckily P3 have been learning how to measure with centimetres and metres this week in Maths:)

Tatty Tales

Today the farmer John Ritchie came to our school and helped us plant our potatoes.

He told us all about growing potatoes and we were able to ask him a lot of questions.

We then went out and planted two of our potatoes in our grow bag. We weighed them first of all and we will compare this weight to our final crop. We have also planted potatoes in different pots, so we will see them at different stages of growth.

John  also split the children into 2 teams and they will have their own competition to see whose potatoes grow the tallest.

Thanks to John for coming to our class and helping us plant our potatoes.