Tag Archives: Science

P1/2/3 Get Together – Space

P1/2/3 told everyone about their learning this term on Space.

This included facts about the Moon, Sun and Planets. They demonstrated a mnemonic to help you learn the order of the Planets from the Sun and read out one of their own mnemonics.

The children demonstrated Orbits and how Day and Night works. They showed their artwork and talked about Tim Peake and life on the ISS. 

Thank you to all the parents who came along to our Get Together.

SDC11792 SDC11793 SDC11794 SDC11795 SDC11796 SDC11797 SDC11798 SDC11799


Ben Shows His Microscope

Ben (an ex pupil of Braco Primary School) came to our class and showed us his digital microscope.

We used it to check if our hands were clean. OH OH! Some were surprised that they were not as clean as they thought.

We used it to look at our hair, in our ears, nose and mouths!

We also looked at some materials close up like Mrs Baxter’s ring and Ben’s football shirt.  Thanks for coming along Ben to demonstrate this.

SDC10802 SDC10803 SDC10804 SDC10805 SDC10806


Deep Sea World

Today we visited Deep Sea World.

First of all we saw frogs and lizards from the Rain Forest.

Next we met Sam who talked about litter in the sea and how it damages sea life. She also had a rock pool and taught us about spider crabs, hermit crabs,  sea urchins, anemones and starfish. We were able to touch these too.

After that we went outside and saw the seals being fed fish.

Next of all we went into the centre and saw all different types of fish including piranha, sharks and rays. We had a great time going round the tunnel and seeing the sharks swimming all around us!

We had lunch and visited the shop too. Unfortunately it was time to go home.

A big thank you to Hazel who came along and was our helper!

Enjoying our lunch.
Learning about life in rock pools.
Learning about litter in the sea.
We got to touch animals that live in a rock pool.
Touching a spider crab!
Watching the seals being fed.
This seal swam through two hoops then brought them up onto the land.
Looking at the creatures in a rock pool.
Looking for tarantulas!
Travelling through the glass tunnel looking at the different types of fish swimming around us!