As we have revisited addition and subtraction recently, here are some games you can play at home. Enjoy!
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P1/2 Visit Dundee Science Centre
On Monday 29th. May, P1/2 visited Dundee Science Centre.
On the way the children learned about the Tay Bridge Disaster and the 3 j’s that Dundee is famous for- jam, jute and journalism.
Once inside they were allowed to explore the different areas. This included a section of a huge head, which they could then slide down!
The children then watched a show all about minibeasts! Here they saw large minibeasts including cockroaches, spiders, snails and millipedes.
After lunch they put on lab coats and carried out a number of experiments related to our senses and how liquids react with each other.
Next it was back to exploring the Centre. One of the most popular exhibits was the sand pit, where the children made large hills and on these hills an ordnance survey map was projected onto it!
A big thank you to Hazel and Ben who came along and were great helpers!
Making Gingerbread Men
Our Beanstalks!
Fairytale Activities
ABC for the P2’s
The best song to help you learn the alphabet! Remember it is zaid at the end not zee. This is a link to You Tube, so please supervise.
P2 Numeracy
Here is a link to a game that may help the learning of Tens and Units.
Welcome to our New P1’s
Welcome to our new year group of P1/2.
Look out for our learning here and on the new school app.
Number Bonds That Make 10
Please, please practise these so you know them of by heart.