Category Archives: P2/3 Friday Learning Blog

Learning Log

Alexander K – In Science we have been doing about forces and friction.

Euan- Change from £1.

Alexander B – We saw a farmer. We planted our potatoes.

Ben- At PE we have been learning skipping and inside we have been practising our dance moves.

Aiva- In Maths the P3’s have been learning the shopkeepers method of giving change.

Eleanor- In Health we have been learning about being kind and unkind.

Sandy- The P3’s have been making a Victorian glossary.

James- In Art we  have been making spinning tops.

Holly- In spelling we have been learning i  sounding words.

Learning Log 1/3/13

This week P2/3 have been learning lots.

Sandy- In maths we have been learning about money.

Holly- We have  been finishing our pictures of the Awongalema Tree.

Eleanor- We have been learning how to write the letter   f   in handwriting.

Alexander B- We have been making peg dolls.

Aiva- We were writing an imaginary story about The Day our Nose got Bigger.

Alexander K- We have been counting up money.

James- We have been doing the story of Pinocchio in Drama.

Katie-  We were learning about lies and telling the truth.

Noah- We were learning about forces and friction.

James -We have been learning the song Oranges and Lemons.

Rebecca-  We were learning to play Hopscotch.

Fred – Homophones.

Erin- Fitness in PE and also making up dances about animals.