Ben Shows His Microscope

Ben (an ex pupil of Braco Primary School) came to our class and showed us his digital microscope.

We used it to check if our hands were clean. OH OH! Some were surprised that they were not as clean as they thought.

We used it to look at our hair, in our ears, nose and mouths!

We also looked at some materials close up like Mrs Baxter’s ring and Ben’s football shirt.  Thanks for coming along Ben to demonstrate this.

SDC10802 SDC10803 SDC10804 SDC10805 SDC10806


Baking Christmas Biscuits

The children learned different skills when making Christmas biscuits.

They learned and followed hygiene rules throughout baking.

They followed the recipe, took turns, measured with scales, beat ingredients together, roll out the mixture and use cutters too.

Finally in the afternoon, they got to taste them too!

SDC10793 SDC10794 SDC10795 SDC10796 SDC10797 SDC10798 SDC10799 SDC10800