All posts by Mrs Duffy

Orienteering Success


Huge congratulations to P5-7 who represented the school in the Perth and Kinross Orienteering heats at Strathallan. They had a very successful day with 4 teams going through to the finals at Scone Palace at the end of May. A special congratulations to Joe, Morgan and Josh who came 1st in the competition out of 56 teams, in a course record time of 31 minutes & 51 seconds. Well done boys. We are all very proud of your efforts.


Our Visit to Stanley Mills

Our whole school visit to Stanley Mills was a great success and really got our topic started.  All classes had the opportunity to discover for themselves life as a working child in the mill.  They were also given time to investigate the exhibits and see some work from other schools in the area.  We look forward to working with P&K cultural workers over the next few weeks and may even try some weaving.

‘Wear it Bright Day’ is a huge success

The first i-bike venture got off to a great start.  Everyone came in a wonderful array of bright colours and prizes were awarded to the brightest pupil in each class.  Well done Mrs Henderson who won the prize for the brightest teacher.  The purpose of the day was to raise awareness of the importance of dressing brightly when out and about on darker nights.

The children were treated to a bike trail in the playground with rumble strips and a bike limbo.  Many thanks to Kelly for all her help on the day and to the i-bike crew for welcoming everyone so nicely and organising the event.  Look out for our next event which will be on Hallowe’en with a ‘dress your bike’ theme.

Garden Tidy

Thank you to all those parents, staff and pupils who gave up their time after school to tidy the garden.  What a difference an hour or 2 makes.  Thank you to Amanda for organising the event and to Mrs Sinclair for her very kind donations of plants and flowers.  All energies replaced by delicious home baking.  If anyone would be interested to help in the future, please see Amanda or pop into the school and let us know.