All posts by G. Donnachie

Orienteering @ Strathallan


Well done to P5-7 for taking part in the inter-school orienteering championships at Strathallan today. The weather was being typically Scottish providing a lovely grey backdrop with a sprinkling of rain. The weather however did not dampen the enthusiasm of the children who all did extremely well. Extra congratulations to Straun and Donald who came 3rd overall out of a total of 96 teams.

Self Evaluation

In school, at this time of year, we begin to complete a variety of self evaluations to help us decide the priorities for next session’s school improvement plan – our plan for the next school year.

As always we value the views of pupils and parents as well as all staff members involved in the life of the school.

 The pupils will be involved in their own self evaluation called ‘The Chair’, which was introduced to them in assembly today. This will involve every pupil having the opportunity to record what they like about Forgandenny and what needs to improve.

 We ask that you complete a short questionnaire about the school and return this by Friday 4th May 2012

 Thank you for your continued support.

Farewell to Mrs Simpson

It is a sad time at Forgandenny when we have to say farewell to Mrs Brenda Simpson. Brenda is leaving Forgandenny this week to take up a new position at Blackford Primary School. Brenda has been at the school for over 6 years and she will be missed by all the staff and pupils of the school. Forgandenny’s loss is certainly Blackford’s gain. We wish her all the very best for the future.

RSPB – Bird Watch

On Friday, the Green Beans (Forgandenny’s Eco team) carried out the RSPB Big School Birdwatch in our school grounds. We had a great morning counting the birds that visited our playground and were amazed by the different varierties of birds that visited. Please check out our blog for a full details of what we saw.

Many thanks for all the kind donations of seed and fat balls.

Forgandenny @ The Scottish Learning Festival

Blogging for Assessment

Shannah, Caitlin, Chris (former pupil – now Perth High), Mrs Duffy and Mr Donnachie yesterday attended and presented at the Scottish Learning Festival at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. We were sharing our schools work on blogging entitled Blogging for Assessment with an international audience of over 90 delagates at the conference. In fact we were fully booked which was awesome!

 Mr Donnachie and Mrs Duffy explained the reasons for blogging at Forgandenny and the children shared there own blogs and blogging skills with the audience. Chris, Caitlin and Shannah spoke with great confidence and if they were nervous they did not show it. They were a credit to the school and we would like to say a huge thanks and well done for all their hard work.  Below are some of the pictures from the day